How To Reduce Your Exposure To Microwave Radiation In Your Home

how to reduce lower 5G wifi cell phone micro wave radiation dangers risks health hazards

There is a health issue that most people don’t think about these days and that is: microwave radiation from all the wifi and bluetooth devices we use, all day, every day. That radiation can be very hazardous to your heath! See the article listed at the bottom of this article for more information about those health hazards.
This is all the stuff I got rid of that had been emitting microwave radiation in my home:
1. wireless computer mouse… switched back to wired mouse.
2. wireless computer keyboard… switched back to wired keyboard.
3. cordless phone for my land-line… switched back to a corded phone with a long phone cord. Are you in love with your super-portable cordless phone? You won’t be after you watch this: Does A Cordless Phone Give Off Radiation?
4. cell phone… it’s only on when making outbound calls while outside the home … i.e. on the road… and it is NOT 5G capable, only 4G-LTE, which uses lower, safer microwaves to send and receive phone calls.
5. wifi router… I replaced it with an older “network switch” that only uses ethernet cables. NOTE: turning off the wifi function on a wifi router does not necessarily turn off the radiation. It may just stop the router from accepting requests for data from your wifi devices. So if your wireless device “sees” your wifi router even when you have the router’s wifi function disabled, then you know that the radiation is still present.
6. android tablet… I keep the wifi off and now use an ethernet cable to hook it to my WIRED home network via an adapter in the tablet’s USB-C port. Yes, I know that doing this inhibits the portability of such devices. That’s the tradeoff for protecting your brain cells from being fried. If you crave portability then you are craving fried brains and other forms of microwave-induced cancer.
7. wifi capable printer… I connected it to my home network with an ethernet cable.
8. wireless headphones… I only use wired headphones now.
9. microwave oven… I use a hot water kettle or toaster oven or regular stove instead. In the winter, I sometimes use my wood stove.
10. I keep wifi and blue-tooth features turned off on my computers and other wifi-capable devices too.
This list above is by no means complete. I have used an RF/EMF radiation meter in my home and found that even LED light bulbs give off certain types of radio-frequency or electro-magnetic radiation, though I do not know how dangerous that radiation is. But from what I have read about LED lights, it is the bluer lights that can cause problems to your eyes, your retina in particular. Here is more information about that:

This world sure is getting to be a dangerous place to live in, is it not?
If you need any incentive to actually DO something about RF and EMF radiation health hazards, I offer you this article to chew on:
5G Cell Tower Caused 51 Strokes Alleges Woman Who Sues AT&T
I’ve documented all sorts of problems with the microwave signals put out by all types of modern electronic devices – including from cell towers – in this article:
Health Risks/Dangers Of Cell Phones, Cordless Phones, Wifi & Bluetooth Devices

When You Die Don’t Worry About Your Body

inspirational Christian message about life after death

WHEN YOU DIE, don’t worry about your body… your relatives will do whatever is necessary according to their possibilities. They will take your clothes off, wash you, dress you, take you out of your house and take you to your place of burial. Many may come to your funeral to “say goodbye.” Some may even cancel commitments and miss work to go to your funeral. Your belongings, even what you didn’t like to lend, will be sold, given away or thrown out with the garbage. Your keys, your tools, your books, your CDs, your DVDs, your photos, your shoes, your clothes, your vehicles, your house…
And rest assured that the world will not stop for you. The economy will continue. In your job, you will be replaced. Someone with the same or better capabilities will take your place. Your assets will go to your heirs… And do not doubt that you will continue to be cited, judged, questioned and criticized for the small and great things you did in life. People who knew you only by your appearance will say; Poor man or woman! Your sincere friends will cry for a few hours or a few days, but then they will return to their normal lives of fun & laughter.
Your animals will be given away and it will take time but they will get used to the new owner. Your photos will hang on the wall or remain on a piece of furniture for a while, but then perhaps they will be stored at the bottom of a drawer. And we will only live in the memory of those who loved us. Someone else will sit on your couch and eat at your table. The deep pain in your house will last a week, two, a month, two, a year, two… Then you will be added to the memories and then, your story is over. It ended up among people, it ended up here, it ended up in this world. But begin your story in your new reality… in your life after death. Your life where you couldn’t move with the things from here because, when you left, they lost the value they had.

  • Good Looks
  • Notoriety
  • Comforts
  • Financial Assets
  • Property, Houses, Land
  • Vehicles
  • Titles & Degrees
  • Medals, Awards, Trophies
  • Friends, Spouse, Children, Family

In your new life you will only need your soul. Things of eternal value that you have accumulated here will be the only fortune you will have in the next life. When you live a life of love for God, love for others and peace with your neighbors, you are amassing your spiritual fortune. That’s why you should try to live fully, be content, be sold out for God and be preoccupied with helping others, while you are here, especially helping others to know about the God who rules and reigns in Heaven and who is the final Judge of those who leave this world. Because, “From here you won’t take what you have. You’ll only take what you gave.”
The big question for all of us is: Do we know where our soul is going after this life is over?
Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
Notice that Jesus did not say you could get to heaven anyway you wish or that all religions lead to heaven or that you only need to be a good person and make sure that your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds. No. Jesus is God. He RULES and REIGNS over Heaven and Earth. It is HIS LAWS that we violate when we sin. The Bible is clear that no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again – that is, spiritually born into God’s family: “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3).
The Bible declares in Revelation 21:8 who will go to hell: “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Those who go to hell are specifically those who do not believe in Jesus as their Savior and who are trusting in their own goodness to get to heaven. Our own goodness can never take away a single sin of ours. God only accepts one and only one payment for sin – the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross 2,000 years ago. Do YOU see yourself as sinful as God sees you? Are you willing to trust in Jesus alone for your salvation so that on Judgment Day you won’t be cast into Hell? Have you cried out to God to have mercy on your eternal soul?
The Bible says: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:16).
“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31)
What are you living for? Are you living for money, fame and pleasure? One day, we will all leave this world behind for good. Because of our sin, we will meet a holy and just God on Judgment Day. You will want to RUN from Him if you are not ready to meet Him. The Good News is that Christ has paid for the sins of those who trust in him ALONE for their salvation from sin and from its eternal consequences in hell.

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20:7

— Adapted from similar versions of this particular message

Catholicism has everything that a billion sinners think they need to get to heaven

Catholicism and Catholic Church Will Not Get You To Heaven

“For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.” Romans 10:3

To any Catholics who may read this article, I hope the information below will shed some light on how your religion is deceiving you, so that you will seek the real Jesus who heads the real Church… while there is still time.

Catholicism’s features that keep their members from leaving include:

  1. It has lots of members, making them feel comfortable and giving them a false sense of security, while they are yet on their way to hell.

  3. It has lots of Christian terminology, making them feel like they are true Christians.

  5. It has lots of man-made heroes (saints and popes) making them proud to be in their religion.

  7. It has a big book of excuses (catechism) to justify their many unbiblical teachings and practices, with the favorite excuse being “It’s sacred tradition”.

  9. It has a backdoor to heaven called Purgatory that helps them avoid being overly concerned about hell.

  11. It has a friendly mother figure (Mary) for those who don’t like a thrice-holy sin-hating righteousness-loving Father God.

  13. It has its own version of history (such as their fabricated unbroken line of popes) to create a sense of validity to their false claim of being the one true Church.

  15. It has a vast collection of unverifiable relics that makes their members feel like their religion is not only legitimate, but unique and special.

  17. It has a plan of salvation that all sinners love, one that makes sinners think they are not totally at God’s mercy and that they can somehow contribute towards their salvation.

“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” Matthew 7:22-23


So what is the true Church and how do you identify it?

The true Church started by God is NOT a denomination or a non-denomination or any religious institution that you walk into and join by signing some membership agreement. The true Church is a SPIRITUAL entity, the world-wide body of Christians who have been supernaturally regenerated by the Holy Spirit, which is an event that the Bible refers to as the “new birth” or being “born again”. You “join” this Church by invitation from God… when God sends His messengers into your life to preach the Gospel (plan of salvation) to you. The preacher can be a real live person, it can be a radio or TV or Internet preacher, or it can even be a Christian pamphlet – often referred to as a Gospel tract. The preacher can even be the Bible, as you open it and read what it has to say about you and your need for a savior, the only true Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.


A billion Catholics chanting “We are the one true Church” will never change the facts… The Catholic Church has a false Christ and a false gospel – false plan of salvation, and they work FULL TIME pointing people AWAY from the true Christ and the true gospel, though they know it not. Very bad! The true plan of salvation is Jesus plus nothing… no sacraments, no rituals, no treasury of merit, no performing of good deeds to try to earn or contribute towards your salvation. The sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus Christ at the cross of Calvary was sufficient payment for all our sins and the ONLY payment that God will accept for anyone’s sins. Even on our best days, God considers us hell-deserving sinners in dire need of a Savior. To think that we can somehow contribute towards our own salvation is to think we are spiritually better than God says we are. God views all our righteousnesses as filthy rags compared to the perfect blood sacrifice offered by Jesus, the Lamb of God, when He freely laid down His life for sinners such as you and I. So, are your sins on Jesus or are they still on YOU?— RM Kane

How Christians And Others Can Prepare For The Coming World-Wide Financial Collapse

world wide economic collapse great depression

Two men begging for work during the Great Depression



In this article we will go over some things that people can do to prepare for the coming worldwide economic collapse, when the US “petro-dollar” becomes worthless as the BRICS currency system takes over to replace it in worldwide trade. The people who will be hardest hit will be Americans and people in any other nations that do not get onboard the new asset/commodity-backed BRICS system.

Areas we will be covering include:

  • 1929 Great Depression compared to what is coming
  • Food stockpiling
  • Personal protection
  • Debt reduction
  • Barter items
  • Precious metals investing
  • Land/real-estate investing
  • Safe havens
  • Building Community
  • Working On Spiritual Strength

Brief video about the Great Depression:


1929 Great Depression compared to what is coming

Can we compare something that hasn’t happened yet with something that happened in 1929? Yes, up to a point. We know what things in society and in our economy have changed since the Great Depression – and from that knowledge, we can deduce that a similar economic collapse is liable to be far worse, for reasons such as these:

  • Our country is FAR from self-sufficient any more. Most products are now imported and that includes a LOT of food products.
  • A large amount of medicines are made overseas, medicines that would have catastrophic consequences should they become scarce or unavailable.
  • Few people grow their own food nowadays, yet far more people need to be fed.
  • The morality of society as a whole has declined significantly since 1929, ensuring that people will be more lawless than they were decades ago.
  • MANY more people have become dependent on financial assistance from the government than they ever were in the last century and they would be in big trouble if that government assistance abruptly ended.
  • Many illegal aliens are now in the country, in many densely populated areas, areas that will become battlegrounds when people run out of food.


Food stockpiling

Obviously the most important way to prepare for any disaster, be it economic or even weather related, is to have a decent stockpile of non-perishable food on hand. You want food items that you actually will like eating, will be nutritious, will be easy to prepare, and will have a long shelf life, canned goods and dry goods. Having clean water is just as important. That can mean having a water filtering system, with a decent supply of spare filters and preferably a system that does not require power, but rather is gravity fed. Also things like water purification tablets or drops can be extremely important to have on hand.

Personal protection

Personal protection can take a lot of forms and can depend on where you live and what you are familiar with using and what you are willing to use. That can mean heavy-duty locks on your doors, security cameras, guard dogs, fencing, hand-held weapons, protective clothing (armored vests, etc.). And the old saying “there is strength in numbers” means that good personal protection in a time of crisis involves having enough able-bodied people living with you to keep an eye on your property at all times.

Debt reduction

In the crash of the 1929 Great Depression, many people lost their homes because they did not truly own them. The banks owned them because the banks held the mortgages. You can reduce your debt by paying off your mortgage. But having a paid off mortgage may not be so helpful if you live in an urban area that many not fare very well in a serious crisis. It might be better to NOT pay off your mortgage and buy a cheap property (a 2nd home) in a rural area, for cash… something like a wooded lot with an affordable mobile-home on it. These types of properties are called bug-out residences.

Barter items

When an economic crisis hits, and you don’t have everything you need for long term survival, it is always helpful to have things on hand that you can trade for things you don’t have. Those things to have on hand would need to be things of value to others in a crisis… hand tools, extra clothes and linens, things that could be used to repair stuff that breaks (hardware, adhesives, rope, etc.). Bear in mind that you would not want to be bartering with people who you don’t trust, who may just rob you for whatever you have that they want.

Precious metals investing

Precious metals like silver or gold coins and jewelry are always a way of storing wealth in a form that is easy to barter with or purchase with. But such things are likely to be of little value at the start of a collapse when food, water and medicine are scarce.

Land/real-estate investing

Land is another way of storing wealth for the long term. It can also serve as a safe haven if the land can be easily be converted into living quarters away from urban areas. The best land for this kind of investment would be land that is rural, has a water supply (well, pond or creek), and some sort of housing, be it a camper, mobile home, or even a reasonable size shed, especially one that has been converted into a hunting cabin that you could live in and survive in. That might mean that the shed is insulated and has a wood stove for cooking and heating.

Safe havens

Safe havens in a major time of crisis would be locations where there is a sparse population and perhaps a rural farming population like where there are Amish or Mennonite farming communities or regions where a lot of wild game can be hunted for food. The best safe havens would also be areas where friends or family also have properties – or large properties that could support a network of friends or family members, to provide security and extra-hands for labor, since a serious crisis can easily result in a need to live a more labor-intensive life.

Building Community

As I touched upon above, building community can be crucial to your survival in a crisis situation, be it an economic collapse or a major natural disaster. That community can be your own family members, close friends, or neighbors whom you have developed close friendships with, who you know you can trust in hard times. Building community takes time. Don’t expect to move out to “the boonies” by yourself and then soon after, have all sorts of people around to help you out. So if you are seeking to locate a safe haven away from urban unrest, you should find a place where friends or family already have a safe haven – or a place (preferably rural) that is near friends or family.

Working On Spiritual Strength

The most important way to prepare for ANY crisis, including a major financial crisis, is to be ready to meet God. As you surely know, any of us could leave this world at any time. We could go to sleep tonight and never wake up in the morning. How do we get ready to meet God? There really is only ONE WAY to do that. We need to have a right relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the only Being who can gain us entrance into Heaven. Why is that? Because Jesus was crucified, died, buried and came back from the dead, proving that He was and is God in the flesh. And He said that He came into this world to save sinners, which He in fact did – by His sacrificial death. That death is the ONLY payment for our sins that God will accept, in order to be granted entrance into heaven, to have eternal fellowship with God and His children. We learn all about the Lord Jesus and our dire need for Him by reading the Bible. A brief description of our spiritual situation is described in these Bible verses:

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved [exposed].” John 3:16-20


“Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near” Isaiah 55:6

If you already are ready to meet God, then you still need to work on your spiritual life to ensure that you can handle hard times when they come. Living a life of self-denial and of service to others is one of the best ways to be spiritually prepared for hard times. Along with that, includes a life of prayer, bible study and discipleship. Focusing primarily on personal comfort and on the things of this world will not prepare a Christian for hard times. Things of this world includes spending your money to have the nicest home, newest car, fancy clothes, dining out, the biggest newest tv, the best streaming movie subscriptions, going on elaborate vacations and spending time on expensive, time-consuming hobbies… basically doing the same kinds of things that your unsaved friends, neighbors and relatives are doing, who are living solely for this world, with no thought of preparing for eternity with God.

Related articles on the great depression and current economic crisis:

world wide financial metro-dollar collapse great depression

Woman and her children living in a beat-up shack during the Great Depression


A Prayer Of Thankfulness

A prayer of thankfulness
Dear Lord Jesus, thank-you for thy great salvation, making me a new creature in Christ, who now wants to love and serve you and whose eyes have been opened to see so many things I could never see before.
I can now clearly see your amazing and incredible Intelligent Design in the world all around me, in every living thing.
I now appreciate people more than I ever did before and I can see how you have blessed me in so many ways.
I am now able to focus more on the things I have than the things I don’t have.
Thank you so much dear Lord Jesus. Amen.

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18