The Old Covenant Versus The New Covenant

What Is The Difference?


“For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.” Hebrews 8:7

There are major differences between the Old and the New Covenants in the Bible, but at the same time there are some very interesting parallels, as you will see in the table below.

The Old Covenant Versus The New Covenant

Old Covenant
(1st Covenant)

New Covenant
(2nd Covenant)

1. Blood of animals

1. Blood of Christ

2. Written on stone

2. Written on hearts

3. Shadow

3. Substance

4. Glorious

4. More glorious

5. Had an end

5. Has no end

6. Law of Moses

6. Law of Messiah

7. Law of works

7. Law of faith

8. Law of sin and death

8. Law of Spirit of life

9. Many sacrifices

9. One sacrifice

10. Powerless to save

10. Powerful to save

11. Annual atonement

11. Eternal atonement

12. Earthly tabernacle

12. Heavenly tabernacle

13. Ministry of death

13. Ministry of life

14. Outer form – flesh

14. Inner reality – spirit

15. Ministry of condemnation

15. Ministry of reconciliation