Are Catholics Preoccupied With Mary?

Are Catholics Obsessed With Mary?

Does The Catholic Religion Over-Emphasize Mary At The Expense Of The Lord Jesus Christ?

catholics preoccupied worshiping obsessed with virgin-mary

Catholics won’t admit this, but in Catholicism, Jesus is subordinate to their unbiblical deified version of Mary. That’s why they pray to Mary because she has authority over Jesus (though they don’t say this directly, only indirectly) because they are taught that the Catholic Mary can get Jesus to do things He might not ordinarily want to do, regarding answering the prayers of Catholics. Catholics are taught that the Catholic Jesus always obeys the Catholic “Mother Mary” and in fact, they are taught that Mary is THEIR mother also, their spiritual mother.
Do you think it is fair to say that Catholics are more preoccupied with Mary than with Jesus? Well let’s see…. Here are some titles Catholics have for Mary… 363 titles[1]!!! Absolutely unbelievable!!! And I am sure there are some titles missing for this man-made Catholic version of Mary that Catholics have been told is the Mary of the Bible. — RM Kane

Titles of Mary

  1. Ark of the Covenant
  2. Cause of Our Joy
  3. Comforter of the Afflicted
  4. Co-Redemptrix
  5. Destroyer of Heresy
  6. Gate of Heaven
  7. Joy of the Just
  8. Health of the Sick
  9. Help of Christians
  10. Holy Mary
  11. Holy Mother of God
  12. Holy Virgin of Virgins
  13. House of Gold
  14. The Immaculate Heart
  15. Mirror of Justice
  16. Mother of the Poor
  17. Morning Star
  18. Mother Inviolate
  19. Mother Most Admirable
  20. Mother Most Amiable
  21. Mother Most Chaste
  22. Mother Most Pure
  23. Mother of Christ
  24. Mother of Divine Grace
  25. Mother of Good Counsel
  26. Mother of Orphans
  27. Mother of Our Creator
  28. Mother of Our Redeemer
  29. Mother of Perpetual Help
  30. Mother of Sorrows
  31. Mother of the Son
  32. Mother Thrice Admirable
  33. Mother Undefiled
  34. Mystical Rose
  35. Our Lady de Gray
  36. Our Lady de la Breche
  37. Our Lady della Croce
  38. Our Lady de la Treille
  39. Our Lady of Confidence
  40. Our Lady of Akita
  41. Our Lady of Abundance
  42. Our Lady of Acheropita
  43. Our Lady of Africa
  44. Our Lady of Aix-la-Chapelle
  45. Our Lady of Alba Royale
  46. Our Lady of Alexandria
  47. Our Lady of All Help
  48. Our Lady of Almudena
  49. Our Lady of Amiens
  50. Our Lady of Angels
  51. Our Lady of Angels Toulouse
  52. Our Lady of Apareceda
  53. Our Lady of Apparitions
  54. Our Lady of Arabida
  55. Our Lady of Ardents
  56. Our Lady of Ardilliers
  57. Our Lady of Argenteuil
  58. Our Lady of Arras
  59. Our Lady of Atocha
  60. Our Lady of Banneux
  61. Our Lady of Bavaria
  62. Our Lady of Beaumont
  63. Our Lady of Beauraing
  64. Our Lady of Belle Fontaine
  65. Our Lady of Benoite-Vaux
  66. Our Lady of Bessiere
  67. Our Lady of Betharam
  68. Our Lady of Bethlehem
  69. Our Lady of Bolougne
  70. Our Lady of Bonaria
  71. Our Lady of Bonport
  72. Our Lady of Bourbourg
  73. Our Lady of Bows
  74. Our Lady of Bruges
  75. Our Lady of Buglose
  76. Our Lady of Buch
  77. Our Lady of Calais
  78. Our Lady of Calevourt
  79. Our Lady of Cambray
  80. Our Lady of Cambron
  81. Our Lady of Campitelli
  82. Our Lady of Cana
  83. Our Lady of Caravaggio
  84. Our Lady of Carquere
  85. Our Lady of Castelbruedo
  86. Our Lady of Charity
  87. Our Lady of Chartres
  88. Our Lady of Chatillion
  89. Our Lady of Chievres
  90. Our Lady Of Citeaux
  91. Our Lady of Clairvaux
  92. Our Lady of Clemency
  93. Our Lady of Clermont
  94. Our Lady of Clery
  95. Our Lady of Clos-Evrard
  96. Our Lady of Compassion
  97. Our Lady of Conquest
  98. Our Lady of Consolation
  99. Our Lady of Constantinople
  100. Our Lady of Copacabana
  101. Our Lady of Coutances
  102. Our Lady of Covadonga
  103. Our Lady of Craganor
  104. Our Lady of Czestochowa
  105. Our Lady D’Iron
  106. Our Lady of Damietta
  107. Our Lady of Deliverance
  108. Our Lady of Didinia
  109. Our Lady of Dijon
  110. Our Lady of Divine Providence
  111. Our Lady of Dordrecht
  112. Our Lady of Edessa
  113. Our Lady of Egypt
  114. Our Lady of Einsiendeln
  115. Our Lady of Emminont
  116. Our Lady of Esquernes
  117. Our Lady of Exile
  118. Our Lady of Faith
  119. Our Lady of Fatima
  120. Our Lady of Fire
  121. Our Lady of Flines
  122. Our Lady of Foi
  123. Our Lady of Fourviere
  124. Our Lady of Foy
  125. Our Lady of France
  126. Our Lady of Genazzano
  127. Our Lady of Genesta
  128. Our Lady of Gifts
  129. Our Lady of Good Counsel
  130. Our Lady of Good Deliverance
  131. Our Lady of Good Haven
  132. Our Lady of Good Health
  133. Our Lady of Good Help
  134. Our Lady of Good News
  135. Our Lady of Good Remedies
  136. Our Lady of Good Success
  137. Our Lady of Good Tidings
  138. Our Lady of Good Tidings, Lempdes
  139. Our Lady of Grace
  140. Our Lady of Grace, Normandy
  141. Our Lady of Grace, Paris
  142. Our Lady of Great Power
  143. Our Lady of Guadalupe
  144. Our Lady of Guam
  145. Our Lady of Guard
  146. Our Lady of Guidance
  147. Our Lady of Happy Assembly
  148. Our Lady of Haut
  149. Our Lady of Helbron
  150. Our Lady of Highest Grace
  151. Our Lady of Hildesheim
  152. Our Lady of Ireland
  153. Our Lady of Justinienne
  154. Our Lady of Kazan
  155. Our Lady of Kieff
  156. Our Lady of Kiev
  157. Our Lady of Knock
  158. Our Lady of Kuehn
  159. Our Lady of La Carolle
  160. Our Lady of La Chapelle
  161. Our Lady of La Guarde
  162. Our Lady of La Rochette
  163. Our Lady of La Salette
  164. Our Lady of Lac Bouchet
  165. Our Lady of Las Lajas
  166. Our Lady of Last Agony
  167. Our Lady of Laon
  168. Our Lady of Lavang
  169. Our Lady of Liesse
  170. Our Lady of Life
  171. Our Lady of Light
  172. Our Lady of Ligny
  173. Our Lady of Loreto
  174. Our Lady of Lourdes
  175. Our Lady of Louvain
  176. Our Lady of Lyons
  177. Our Lady of Mantua
  178. Our Lady of Marienthal
  179. Our Lady of Marseilles
  180. Our Lady of Matarieh
  181. Our Lady of Meliapore
  182. Our Lady of Milan
  183. Our Lady of Miracles
  184. Our Lady of Miracles Brescia
  185. Our Lady of Miracles Paris
  186. Our Lady of Miracles Rome
  187. Our Lady of Molanus
  188. Our Lady of Molene
  189. Our Lady of Mondevi
  190. Our Lady of Moreneta
  191. Our Lady of Mount Carmel
  192. Our Lady of Monte-Senario
  193. Our Lady of Montserrat
  194. Our Lady of Montevergine
  195. Our Lady of Moustier
  196. Our Lady of Moyen Point
  197. Our Lady of Myan
  198. Our Lady of Nanteuil
  199. Our Lady of Naples
  200. Our Lady of Narni
  201. Our Lady of Naval
  202. Our Lady of Nazareth
  203. Our Lady of New
  204. Our Lady of Oegnies
  205. Our Lady of Oropa
  206. Our Lady of Oviedo
  207. Our Lady of Paris
  208. Our Lady of Peace
  209. Our Lady of Pellevoisin
  210. Our Lady of Perpetual Help
  211. Our Lady of Pignerol
  212. Our Lady of Pompeii
  213. Our Lady of Pontmain
  214. Our Lady of Pontoise
  215. Our Lady of Port Louis
  216. Our Lady of Power
  217. Our Lady of Premontre
  218. Our Lady of Prompt Succor
  219. Our Lady of Abundance or Prosperity
  220. Our Lady of Pucha
  221. Our Lady of Puig
  222. Our Lady of Puy
  223. Our Lady of Quito
  224. Our Lady of Ransom
  225. Our Lady of Ratisbon
  226. Our Lady of Rennes
  227. Our Lady of Rheims
  228. Our Lady of Rocamadour
  229. Our Lady of Rocks
  230. Our Lady of Rossano
  231. Our Lady of Rouen
  232. Our Lady of Safety
  233. Our Lady of Saideneida
  234. Our Lady of Saint Acheul
  235. Our Lady of St Fort Chartres
  236. Our Lady of Saint John
  237. Our Lady of Savigny
  238. Our Lady of Sasopoli
  239. Our Lady of Saussaie
  240. Our Lady of Schiedam
  241. Our Lady of Schier
  242. Our Lady of Scutari
  243. Our Lady of Seez
  244. Our Lady of Sichem
  245. Our Lady of Sion
  246. Our Lady of Smelcem
  247. Our Lady of Sorrows
  248. Our Lady of Soissons
  249. Our Lady of Speech
  250. Our Lady of Spire
  251. Our Lady of Succor
  252. Our Lady of Tables
  253. Our Lady of Talan
  254. Our Lady of Tears
  255. Our Lady of Tears, Spoleto
  256. Our Lady of Terouenne
  257. Our Lady of the Armed Forces
  258. Our Lady of the Assumption
  259. Our Lady of the Bells
  260. Our Lady of the Bush
  261. Our Lady of the Candles
  262. Our Lady of the Cloister
  263. Our Lady of the Conception
  264. Our Lady of the Conception, Flanders
  265. Our Lady of the Divine Shepherd
  266. Our Lady of the Don
  267. Our Lady of the Doves
  268. Our Lady of the Empress
  269. Our Lady of the Fields
  270. Our Lady of the Flowering Thorn
  271. Our Lady of the Forest
  272. Our Lady of the Forests
  273. Our Lady of the Founders
  274. Our Lady of the Fountain
  275. Our Lady of the Fountain, Constantinople
  276. Our Lady of the Grotto Lamego
  277. Our Lady of the Hermits
  278. Our Lady of the Hill
  279. Our Lady of the Holy Chapel
  280. Our Lady of the Holy Cross
  281. Our Lady of the Jesuit College
  282. Our Lady of the Lily
  283. Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
  284. Our Lady of the Mountains
  285. Our Lady of the Palm
  286. Our Lady of the Pillar
  287. Our Lady of the Place
  288. Our Lady of the Pond
  289. Our Lady of the Portuguese
  290. Our Lady of the Rock
  291. Our Lady of the Rosary
  292. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
  293. Our Lady of the Silver Foot
  294. Our Lady of the Slain
  295. Our Lady of the Snows
  296. Our Lady of the Star
  297. Our Lady of the Star, Portugal
  298. Our Lady of the Taper
  299. Our Lady of the Thorn
  300. Our Lady of the Tower
  301. Our Lady of the Underground
  302. Our Lady of the Valley
  303. Our Lady of the Vault
  304. Our Lady of the Vine
  305. Our Lady of the Way
  306. Our Lady of the Woods
  307. Our Lady of Tongres
  308. Our Lady of Tortosa
  309. Our Lady of Trapani
  310. Our Lady of Treves
  311. Our Lady of Trut
  312. Our Lady of Valvenere
  313. Our Lady of Vaussivieres
  314. Our Lady of Verdun
  315. Our Lady of Victories
  316. Our Lady of Victory
  317. Our Lady of Victory, Spain
  318. Our Lady of Victory, Senlis
  319. Our Lady of Victory, Tourney
  320. Our Lady of Victory, Valois
  321. Our Lady of Virtues
  322. Our Lady of Vivonne
  323. Our Lady of Vladimir
  324. Our Lady of Walsingham
  325. Our Lady of Zapopan
  326. Our Lady of Zell
  327. Our Lady the Helper
  328. Our Lady Refuge of Sinners
  329. Our Lady, Star of the Sea
  330. Our Lady Queen of Peace
  331. Tabernacle of the Lord
  332. Temple of the Most Holy Trinity
  333. Treasure House of God’s Graces
  334. Queen of Angels
  335. Queen of Heaven
  336. Queen of Patriarchs
  337. Queen of Prophets
  338. Queen of Apostles
  339. Queen of Martyrs
  340. Queen of Confessors
  341. Queen of Virgins
  342. Queen of All Saints
  343. Queen Conceived Without Original Sin
  344. Queen of the Most Holy Rosary
  345. Queen of Peace
  346. Refuge of Sinners
  347. Seat of Wisdom
  348. Singular Vessel of Devotion
  349. Spiritual Vessel
  350. Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit
  351. Star of the Sea
  352. Tower of David
  353. Tower of Ivory
  354. Vessel of Honor
  355. Virgen de la Antigua
  356. Virgin of the Battles
  357. Virgin of the Kings
  358. Virgin Most Prudent
  359. Virgin Most Venerable
  360. Virgin Most Renowned
  361. Virgin Most Powerful
  362. Virgin Most Merciful
  363. Virgin Most Faithful

“I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” Isaiah 42:8

1. “Titles of Mary” at: