Catholic Cliches
False Claims By Catholics Against Ex-Catholics And Protestants
This web page is the result of having to bear with the many repeated false claims by Catholics defending their false religion using false statements about those who would dare to tell them the truth about Catholicism’s many false teachings and false practices. Most of these claims are nothing but claims – unsubstantiated claims – repeated over and over again by the Catholic Church to the point where their followers assume that such claims are undeniable truths.
CLAIM #1: The more you know history and the Bible the more you become Catholic. The more you are ignorant of the two the more you become anti-Catholic… Click HERE for a meme version of this false Catholic claim
CLAIM #2: The Bible is a Catholic book. Only our clergy can interpret the Bible. We will tell you what the Bible means. You need to trust us. Click HERE for a meme version of this false Catholic claim
CLAIM #3: Uneducated Catholics become Protestants… Educated Protestants become Catholics… Click HERE for a meme version of this false Catholic claim
CLAIM #4: Your religion was started 500 years ago by Martin Luther… You’re just one of 40,000 Protestant sects… All non-Catholic churches are man-made… Click HERE for a meme version of this false Catholic claim
CLAIM #5: You’re just a Lutheran… Luther was a heretic… Luther was crazy… Luther committed suicide… Click HERE for a meme version of this false Catholic claim
CLAIM #6: We gave you the Bible. Peter was the first pope. Mary was a perpetual virgin. Rome is the one true Church. We have the Eucharist. You’re just a heretic… Click HERE for a meme version of this false Catholic claim
CLAIM #7: You were never a real Catholic… You were never properly catechized… You didn’t pay attention in CCD class… Click HERE for a meme version of this false Catholic claim
CLAIM #8: Catholics don’t worship idols. We venerate sacred objects. Click HERE for a meme version of this false Catholic claim
CLAIM #9: Catholics don’t worship Mary. We venerate and adore her which we call hyper-dulia. Click HERE for a meme version of this false Catholic claim
CLAIM #10: Our unbiblical-teachings and practices aren’t man-made. They are “sacred tradition”. Click HERE for a meme version of this false Catholic claim
CLAIM #11: The Bible is a Catholic book. We gave you the Bible. Protestants threw out 7 books of the Bible. King James was a freemason and a homosexual. Click HERE for a meme version of this false Catholic claim