Manufactured Exclusivity

How The Catholic Church Makes Themselves Look Exclusive

Catholic Church Catholicism false claims of exclusivity uniqueness validity



The Catholic Church has implemented many schemes to make themselves look exclusive and unique among all churches and denominations claiming to be Christian. And this enables them to convince their billion-plus followers that theirs is the “one true Church” started by Jesus Christ in the year 33 AD. We will now look at those various exclusivity schemes that Satan has used to ensnare so many souls in a false Christian organization.

Exclusive Sacraments – And An Exclusive Sacramental System

If you go to any other Church other than the Catholic Church you won’t be getting Catholicism’s exclusive sacraments. This includes their unique god-in-a-wafer “holy eucharist”. Go to some other church or denomination and you’ll get an “imitation” wafer – one that has not been turned into the literal body, blood, soul and divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ, by the incantations of a Catholic priest. Even those incantations are exclusive, and are given the mysterious sounding name “consecration of the host”.

Exclusive Relics – Of Famous Deceased Christians Of Long Ago

The number is staggering of bones and skeletons of dead people that the Catholic Church claims are the remains of their famous deceased members. Why in the world should anyone believe them? Anyone can claim a bone or other body part belongs to anybody on earth. And anyone can steal a relic from somewhere and claim that it was always theirs and always in their possession. The TRUE Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is not validated by its BONE COLLECTION. It is validated by its GOSPEL. The TRUE Church preaches, teaches and believes in salvation by grace alone, through faith alone in Jesus and HIS MERITS ALONE. So the false works gospel of Catholicism and other Christian-like religious cults is the key to proving that these self-proclaimed “true” religious entities are FALSE organizations and FALSE churches. Before I forget to mention, “relics” in Catholicism do not have to be body parts but could also be clothing that some person may have worn or some item they may have owned or even the most preposterous of all: pieces of wood from the cross that Jesus was crucified on.

Exclusive Saints – Famous Dead Catholics Whom Rome Has Designated As Extra Holy

What other church or denomination has such a massive collection of famous and supposedly-holy dead people that can compare with the man-made (Catholic-Church-designated) saints of the Catholicism? Obviously, a large religious entity is going to have a lot of members, including dead/former members. So what does that prove? Also, attributing miracles to dead people in order to validate them and glorify them, may cause people to think your church has something (some exclusivity) that other churches don’t have. But you, as a Catholic, are still stuck with a major problem regarding church authenticity: your Catholic gospel is a false, soul-damning, man-centered works gospel, which is really no different than the works salvation programs of other Christian-like cults and other false religions such as Islam or Buddhism.

Exclusive Leaders – Living & Dead Church Leaders

When it comes to exclusive church leaders, what other church has the pope of Rome? None. It doesn’t get any more exclusive than that, especially when Catholicism’s fearless leader is able to make infallible religious pronouncements to the exclusion of all other human beings on the planet. In order to pull off their “line of popes” scam, the Catholic Church had to “hijack” the apostle Peter and designate him as the first Catholic pope. This is one of most notorious ways that the Church of Rome deceives their members. The truth is that Peter was one of 12 apostles of EQUAL status, and as an apostle, he would never have condoned Rome’s false works gospel. But since Peter was not around to object, Rome made him their first pope and then filled in the slots for succeeding popes between the time of Peter until the time that the Catholic Church morphed into existence in the fourth century, when emperor Constantine issued his Edict of Milan, proclaiming religious tolerance for Christianity. And then in 380 AD, emperor Theodosius I issued the Edict of Thessalonica making – what was rapidly becoming a heavily paganized version of Christianity – the state religion, only to become more even pagan as time went on.
And in addition to their exclusive pope, the Church of Rome adds their exclusive “college of cardinals” and their exclusive magisterium. And what does that prove? It may give the appearance of legitimacy and exclusivity but it all boils down to a group of leaders who don’t even know the TRUE Gospel of the Bible, the true gospel of God’s grace – His unmerited favor – towards sinners who cannot earn nor contribute towards their salvation no matter what they do and no matter what church they belong to or choose to join. The way that sinners become members of the true Church, is to be adopted – by God – into that worldwide body of twice-born believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Has God adopted YOU into His Church and into HIS family and into HIS eternal kingdom? If He has, then your salvation and your redemption from eternity in Hell is based upon the merits of Jesus ALONE. Otherwise you are still “dead in your sins”.
And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins – Ephesians 2:1

Exclusive Documents – Ecclesiastical Writings, Edicts, Catechisms

Catechism of the Catholic Church – Many Christian-like cults and even legitimate groups of Christians have various creeds and confessions to explain to others what they believe and how they interpret various Bible doctrines. But no religious document on the tenets of the faith is more extensive than the Catechism Of The Catholic Church. This 900 page book is the “go to” place for followers of Catholicism to find explanations and defenses of various Catholic teachings and practices, even though those defenses and explanations are often times erroneous and contradict the true teachings of the New Testament Church. It’s more of an “excuse book” to explain why the Catholic Church has practices and doctrines that contradict the Bible or are completely absent from the Bible.
And let’s not forget how the Catholic Church loves to brag about their exclusive ownership and storage of the Scriptures and writings of “church fathers”. The only problem with that claim is that it is false. The early church of the New Testament ALWAYS existed PRIOR TO and then IN PARALLEL TO the formation of the Catholic Church. That early non-Catholic Church had the scriptures and they actually read them and lived by them. In fact, they had more reliable Greek manuscripts than the Catholic Church had in some cases. How do we know that? Because we know that there were corrupt Greek texts that came out of Alexandria that have been used historically by the Catholic Church as the basis for their various translations.
Papal decrees – To make it sound like something exclusive, the Catholic Church calls the decrees of their popes “papal bulls“. Since truth in the Catholic Church is ever changing to comply with the wishes of the Catholic leadership, edicts or proclamations are issued by the pope from time to time. Sometimes these edicts are more political than religious in nature, which is to be expected, since the Catholic Church is both a political “nation-state” and a religious organization.


It is obvious that the Catholic Church is unique from other Christian churches and denominations in many ways. It has many doctrines and practices that are EXCLUSIVE to their Church. However, that exclusivity is neither a mark of authenticity, nor anything that would validate that institution as the one true Church founded by the Lord Jesus Christ in 33 AD. Most of Catholicism’s exclusive characteristics are unbiblical and even pagan in origin, and have made it necessary for that false Christian Church to manufacture evidence of validity by documenting their scripture twisting and man-made traditions in their extra-biblical catechism, as if having a printed manual for heresy could ever turn heresy into orthodoxy. Other Christian-like cults do the same thing. Mormons document their extra-biblical “evidences” for their false doctrines in the Book of Mormon, “Doctrines and Covenants” and “Pearl of Great Price”. Similarly, Jehovah’s witnesses document their extra-biblical “evidences” for their false doctrines in “Reasoning From The Scriptures” and various Watchtower Society publications. And Seventh Day Adventists document their extra-biblical “evidences” for their false doctrines in “The Great Controversy”.