Christian discipleship materials

Various topics relating to Christian discipleship


Evangelism, predestination, election, free-will, church (ecclesiology), reformed ministries, social issues, moral issues, charismatic movement, pentecostalism, modernism, ecumenism, false teachers, christian living, religious holidays and end time prophecy.


An Example Of A Truly Dedicated Disciple Of Christ

William Whiting Borden (1887-1913):

Challenge to a Consecrated Life

William Borden - Missionary To Islam

He was only 25 at his death, yet his life was one of great impact. When news of his death was cabled from Egypt, the Princeton Seminary Bulletin declared, “No young man of his age has ever given more to the service of God and humanity!” A prominent Yale professor stated, “No undergraduate, since I have been connected with Yale, has done so much for Christ in four short years than he did” (H.W. Wright). His name was William Borden and his story affords a stirring illustration of a life totally consecrated to Christ.

[full article]


Christian discipleship materials categories

The Unbiblical Church

Articles pointing out the many false ideas, doctrines and practices in modern day churches.


Church – What It’s All About

Denominations, communion, and what believers should be doing when they gather together.



Tools, advice and resources for effectively and biblically sharing the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Predestination & Free Will

What the bible says about being chosen by God for salvation versus you choosing God.


Social & Moral Issues

Abortion, alcohol, drugs, immoratily, homosexuality, tobacco, etc.


Reformed Ministries

Links to reliable Christian organizations that teach and preach the true Gospel of salvation by God’s sovereign grace.


Charismatic, Pentecostal, & Tongues

Information about the charismatic movement, Pentecostalism, “sign gifts” and speaking in tongues.


Modernism, Ecumenism, & False Prophets

Articles about unbiblical unity and being unequally yoked with unbelievers in ministries.


Christian Living

Issues pertaining to developing character, godly living, sanctification of believers.


Religious Holidays

Pagan origins of religious holidays and how Christions should deal with those celebrations.


End Time Prophecy

A small sampling of information about end-time bible prophecy from a non-status-quo point of view, though perhaps the more historical point of view.


Christian discipleship featured articles

Featured Christian Discipleship Articles

Miscellaneous posts having to do with important Christian Discipleship issues: Christian growth, discerning biblical truth from error, learning more about God’s will for your life.