A Picture Of YOU On Judgment Day

are you ready to meet God on judgment day

Will YOU be among the lost, among those sinners who never repented, who never received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior… their Savior from Hell and damnation, for their lifetime of sin?
Are you among those who who think your good deeds will outweigh your bad deeds?
Are you counting on your participation in your religion and its rituals to get you to heaven?
Do you think Hell will be one big party with all your friends?
Do you think religion is for fools, a crutch for those who can’t handle life without hope in a god bigger than themselves?
Are you thinking that this life is all there is and then when you die, you cease to exist?
Well if any of those things describe YOU, than you can surely expect to be among those you say:

“The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved” [Jeremiah 8:20]


I urge you to spend some serious time reading the Bible to find out about the God who will judge you on Judgement Day for your lifetime of sins. If you don’t repent and trust Jesus before you die, God will judge every sinful thought, word and deed of your entire lifetime… and you will be found guilty… and it will take all eternity in Hell to pay for those sins – if you have to pay for them yourself. Seek God’s gracious sinless sin-bearer, the Lord Jesus Christ, while you still have time… and bear in mind, that tomorrow may be too late! — RM Kane

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Where you can LISTEN TO the Bible on-line: CLICK HERE