Gospel Tracts For Roman Catholics

Messages for Catholics about the Bible and salvation

The articles referenced on this page address many spiritual issues specific to Roman Catholicism and the Catholic plan of salvation, and how that compares to the biblical plan of salvation, which are not the same as you will see as you delve into this very important matter of where you will spend eternity – if you are trusting in a false way to heaven, though it may appear to be very legitimate. What Catholics don’t realize is that in order for their Church to successfully promote the Catholic way to heaven, they had to change the normal definitions of religious words and spiritual term to mean things that they don’t normally mean. This includes words such as worship, idolatry, venerate, and grace. The Catholic Church has also created its own unique religious terms such as “re-present”, Eucharist and “sacrifice of the mass”, in their effort to build a religious system that looks like true Christianity but actually is not. We hope you will take the time to research this matter so that you will be able to truly worship God in Spirit and in Truth and not according to religious traditions and rituals that may appear legitimate but actually are man-made and based upon misinterpreted Scripture or teachings outside of the Bible.
Gospel Messages Catholics salvation

Some key Bible verses that pertain to religions that have a plan of salvation based primarily on a person’s performance of religious duties and rituals rather than solely upon the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ and what HE accomplished by His sacrificial death for sinners.


“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”
[Proverbs 14:12]


“For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.”
[Romans 10:3]


“Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”
[Mark 7:7]


Index To Gospel Tracts For Catholics:

Testimonies Of Former Priests & Nuns:

  • Bob Bush – former Catholic priest in the US, Jesuit order
  • Richard Bennett – former Irish Catholic priest in the Dominican order