A Dialog About Origins
Between An Evolutionist And A True Free Thinker

origins dialog evolution intelligent design creationism

Tru Freethinka:  I thought you guys used carbon-14 dating to determine fossil origins?

Eva Lution:  We do, sometimes.


Tru Freethinka:  So how do you know how much carbon-14 was in a typical sample fossil when it was first formed (originally buried)?

Eva Lution:  We don’t.


Tru Freethinka: Then how do you know what the starting point is when you date something?

Eva Lution:  We guess, based upon how old other similar fossils are.


Tru Freethinka:  How do you now how old those similar fossils are?

Eva Lution:  We guess, based upon how old other similar fossils are.


Tru Freethinka:  Is there an echo in here somewhere?  OK.  So why don’t you update your textbooks and broadcast the news when a transitional fossil is found to be a fraud, like Piltdown man which was just a pig’s tooth and nothing more and Lucy which was a chimp’s skull on a human body?  And why don’t you see to it that museum exhibits are updated in cases like that?

Eva Lution:  Because we don’t like bad publicity and a few rigged fossils here and there is not enough to disprove our theories.


Tru Freethinka:  But all your transitional fossils are rigged and your interpretations of them are heavily biased and based upon nothing more that wild conjecture that itself is often based upon previous conjecture.

Eva Lution:  That’s just your opinion.  We disagree.


Tru Freethinka:  Well then, can you give me one example in nature of a mutation that resulted in additional information in the gene pool?

Eva Lution:  No. But what does that have to do with anything?


Tru Freethinka:  Well it just happens to be a REQUIREMENT for any organism to be able to evolve into some higher form as evolutionists claim has happened innumerable times since the first life forms appeared on earth.

Eva Lution:  Details, details.   What’s important is that our stories sound believable to people who don’t like to be bothered with a lot of facts.  And if we have to deal with folks like you, we just lie.   Because most of our followers won’t realize we are lying and that’s all that really matters – what our followers believe and that they continue to believe the nonsense we dish out.  We don’t care if we can’t persuade folks like you who believe in intelligent design.  You’re the enemy.


Tru Freethinka:  We’re the enemy? Because we challenge your thinking and tell you the truth?  So where did molecular machines come from like the biological motor that propels certain bacteria through water?

Eva Lution:  They just evolved by random chance.


Tru Freethinka:  But each part of those biological motors is specifically designed to fit a certain way and do a certain job.  How could that be the result of random chance?

Eva Lution:  It just is.


Tru Freethinka: Why?

Eva Lution:  Because it cannot be the result of intelligent design.


Tru Freethinka:  Why not?

Eva Lution:  Because we evolutionists say so and because we don’t believe in intelligent design, except for the things that humans design.


Tru Freethinka:  But the probability for such things to have evolved is a statistical monstrosity that would eliminate random chance as an acceptable scientific explanation.

Eva Lution:  As long as we have an alternative explanation to intelligent design, who cares how ridiculous it is?  If we speak with authority and dogmatically to the masses, most of them will just believe us since they’re too lazy to check us out.


Tru Freethinka:  But what about the people who bother to examine the facts and critically examine your outlandish claims?

Eva Lution:  We’ll just label them as religious fanatics and call their arguments flimsy and unsubstantiated.


Tru Freethinka:  But that would be lying.

Eva Lution:  Who cares?  Don’t you get it yet?  We don’t want to believe in intelligent design even if all the real evidence points in that direction.


Tru Freethinka:  Why not?  As “scientists”, don’t you want to discover the truth about origins and the world around you. 

Eva Lution:  No.  We are atheists first and scientists second.  If the evidence points to intelligent design we are duty bound – to our belief system – to ignore and even discard that evidence and ridicule any who would get in our way of formulating theories that meet our preconceived notions.


Tru Freethinka:  So, I guess that means there is no point trying to have a rational discussion with you evolutionists?

Eva Lution:  What do you mean?  We’re rational, very rational, as long as you use our definition of the word.  Rational – to us – means that logic applies only when we say it does.  And we say that logic does not apply when talking about origins.


Tru Freethinka:  So is that how you win arguments and attract followers?

Eva Lution:  Sure! You’d be amazed at how many people love the way we abandon logic and apply circular reasoning to make ourselves look like we have a leg to stand on in our war against God (the God we say we don’t believe in) and intelligent design.


Tru Freethinka:  I am amazed.

Eva Lution:  And it is because of our desire to be free to discard facts any time they make our theories look bad, that we like to refer to ourselves as “free thinkers”.


Tru Freethinka:  Oh, how clever!  You folks have such a way with words!  However, it sounds like you evolutionists are not truly free but in reality you are prisoners of your own prejudices.  The true free thinkers are people like myself who are free to examine any and all evidence for origins without having a belief system that forces us to throw out evidence we don’t like just because it points to intelligent design.

Eva Lution:  Who said we care about reality?   We just want to believe what we want to believe.  Now leave us alone so we can continue wandering happily in darkness.


darwinism fairy tale evolution lies fraud

“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.  For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.  But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.” [John 3:19-21]