Famous False Christian Teachers & Preachers
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1
Just a word of introduction
Not every doctrine of the false Christian teachers and preachers mentioned here is erroneous or heretical. In fact, most false teachers preach a lot of biblical truth blended in with a lot of false doctrine or they twist scriptures and take them out of context or take verses literally that were meant to be figurative expressions of speech. However, the common errors of these teachers include ecumenism (fellowshipping with with false teachers) and blending psychology with biblical Christianity. Also, many of these teachers are reluctant to speak out against error and against false churches, false preachers and false practices. Other common problems are that the preachers preach a false (synergistic) gospel that gives unsaved man credit for being better than God says he is (and not as spiritually dead as God says he is). In addition, many of these false teachers are afraid to call the Roman Catholic Church a false church that promotes a false, works-based gospel.
“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21
If you think any person is misrepresented, please feel free to let us know at our contact page, but ONLY if you are willing to explain WHY you think they are misrepresented. The reviews of all these people were done by one man, named John Beardsley whose website “Biblical Discernment Ministries” is no longer active but is accessible by way of the “Internet Archive” (archive.org). The original URL for that ministry was “http://jbeard.users.rapidnet.com/bdm/” so that is the URL you would need to enter in the search box at archive.org if you wish to peruse that archived website.
False Teacher #1:
Billy Graham – BG Evangelistic Association
False Teacher #2:
Robert Schuller- The Crystal Cathedral Church
False Teacher #3:
Joel Osteen – Lakewood Mega-Church
False Teacher #4:
Benny Hinn – Faith World Church
False Teacher #5:
Chuck Colson – Prison Fellowship Ministry
False Teacher #6:
Woodrow Kroll – Back To The Bible Program
False Teacher #7:
David Jeremiah – Turning Point Ministry
False Teacher #8:
Dave Hunt – The Berean Call Ministry
False Teacher #9:
James Dobson – Focus On The Family Ministry
False Teacher #10:
False Teacher #11:
Pat Robertson – CBN TV Network
False Teacher #12:
Chuck Smith – Calvary Chapel Church Network
False Teacher #13:
Rick Warren – The Purpose Driven Church
False Teacher #14:
Mother Teresa – Catholic Superhero & Nun
False Teacher #15:
False Teacher #16:
False Teacher #17:
Hank Hanegraff – Christian Research institute
False Teacher #18:
Tim LaHaye – The Left Behind Movie
The conclusion here is simple. Test the spirits, prove all things, and be like the Bereans of Acts chapter 17 verse 11, who didn’t even take the apostle Paul at his word, without first checking the Scriptures. — RM Kane
“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” Acts 17:11
Additional information about false teachings of Christian preachers:
- Spiritual Discernement Notebook
- King Pins of the Christian Mafia
- False Preachers
- The Awful Truth About Billy Graham
- Initial List of 33rd Degree Masons (Billy Graham made this list)
- Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer/Satan?