Calvinism Versus Arminianism Tables And Charts

Showing The Differences Between The Free-Will View of Salvation and the Election/Predestination View

The following charts and tables identify and describe the differences between the five points of Calvinism and the five points of Arminianism. Some of the charts also show variations of those views. These differences were first hammered out at the Synod of Dort held in Dordrecht Holland in 1618–1619, by the Dutch Reformed Church, to settle a controversy brought about by the spread of the doctrines of Arminianism, which had been promoted by Jacobus Arminius. — RM Kane
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election predestination free-will arminianism calvinism tables charts


election predestination free-will arminianism calvinism tables charts


election predestination free-will arminianism calvinism tables charts


election predestination free-will arminianism calvinism tables charts


election predestination free-will arminianism calvinism tables charts


election predestination free-will arminianism calvinism tables charts