Spiritual Questions Survey
(this test is designed for use on college campuses but could be easily altered for other use)
1. What is your year in school?
[ ] Freshman [ ] Sophomore [ ] Junior [ ] Senior [ ] Graduate Student [ ]Other
2. What is your major? _________________________________________________
3. Have you taken any courses on religion in college?
[ ] Yes [ ] No – If yes, what were the courses: ______________________________________________________
4. Of what religious group do you associate yourself with?
[ ] Catholic [ ] Protestant [ ] Jewish [ ] Muslim [ ] Hindu [ ] Agnostic [ ] Atheist
[ ] Jehovah’s Witness [ ] Mormon [ ] 7th Day Adventist [ ] Unitarian
[ ] Pentecostal [ ] Charismatic [ ] Baptist [ ] Presbyterian [ ] Episcopal [ ] Methodist
[ ] Eastern Orthodox [ ] Reformed [ ] Inter-Denomination [ ] Non-Denominational
[ ] None [ ] Other _____________________________________
5. How often do you attend religious services?
[ ] Daily [ ] Yearly [ ] Weekly [ ] Occasionally [ ] Monthly [ ] Holidays [ ] Never
6. Have you reached the place in your spiritual life where you know for sure that you have eternal life?
[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure [ ] Don’t believe in eternal life
7. If you were to die tonight and stand in the presence of God, and He were to ask you, “Why should I let you into my Heaven?”, what would you say?
8. Would you be interested in hearing what the Bible has to say about how we get into Heaven?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
9. Would you be interested in:
[ ] Receiving a church newsletter [ ] An audio CD explaining the 2 roads of life
[ ] A free Bible [ ] The Bible on CD (MP3 format) [ ] Ride to church services
[ ] More information about the Bible and the Christian Faith
[ ] Other: ____________________________________________________________
10. Please list your name and address if you checked any of the above:
Name: __________________________________________
Street: __________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ___________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________