Why Bill Nye Makes A Good Evolutionist
Why does Bill Nye make a good evolutionist? Simply because he started out with a career as a comedian and with evolution being such a big joke, Nye is the perfect guy to promote it. Just as a stand-up comic tells funny stories to get a reaction out of a crowd, so Nye tells funny stories to get a reaction out of a different kind of audience. What most of his followers may not realize is that Bill Nye has no more formal education in the field of origins than the majority of Americans, yet he acts as if he is some big know-it-all. Check out a recent article quoting him:
In 2012, Nye made headlines after speaking out against the denial of evolution. In a YouTube clip posted online on August 23, 2012, Nye said the denial of evolution in the United States is generally unique to rest of the world’s advanced nations. “People still move to the United States, and that’s largely became of the intellectual capital we have, the general understanding of science,” Nye said in the clip. “When you have a portion of the population that doesn’t believe in that, it holds everybody back.”
While adults are free to deny evolution all they want, Nye continued, children shouldn’t be taught to deny evolution because “we need them. We need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future. We need … engineers that can build stuff, solve problems [emphasis added].”
Check out his last statement in the quote above:
“We need engineers that can build stuff, solve problems.”
Doesn’t this comedian – who now calls himself a scientist – know anything about history, especially history pertaining to great scientists and the greatest problem solvers the world has ever known? The links below provide a wealth of information about the many scientists who believe in God. Mr Nye would be hard-pressed to come up with an equally long list of famous athiests (like himself) of the past who made equally great contributions to science.
Nye’s formal college training was simply a bachelor of science degree in the field of mechanical engineering. And yet he seems to have convinced the world that he is an expert in the field of origins. Not that I have anything against being self-taught in certain areas of study. My own background is more science-related than Mr. Nye (I have both a bachelor’s degree as well as a master’s degree in the field of computer science) and through my own research I have been able to learn a great deal about origins. The key with being properly self-taught about origins is to study actual scientific truth. Studying secular humanism is not the same as studying the science of orgins. Based on Nye’s allegience to his religion of evolution, it seems pretty clear that he has not studied intelligent design (and the evidence for it) otherwise he would have no trouble realizing that the world around him is jam-packed with chemical compounds, planetary systems, living organisms and many other things that are overflowing with evidence for intelligent design.
For anyone who bothers to investigate the matter, there are many Creation Scientists with far greater depth in science and origins-related education than Nye, and who have studied the field of origins far more deeply than Nye ever has or ever will. Nye needs to go back to doing Steve Martin imitations like the ones that got him launched into the field of comedy and leave real science to people willing to honestly look at evidence. — RM Kane
Scientists who believe in God:
- Famous scientists who believed in God
- 21 Great Scientists who Believed The Bible
- The Rich, Historic Roll Call of Great Christian Thinkers and Scientists
- List of Christian thinkers in science
- Scientists of the Christian Faith
- Bible-Believing Scientists of the Past