A Worldly Church revived


Our pastor is wise, strong and limber
In God’s hands – a bender of human timber;


He showed us how to give without bazaars
Convinced men they could live without cigars.


Proved we could pay all obligations
without begging from friends and relations.


Claimed that to keep God’s work advancing,
there’ll be no place for cards and dancing.


Allows no pot-luck suppers or candy sales –
Insists on our fitness for the altar rail;


No pews will be rented where he presides,
But runs God’s house as Christ prescribes.


Some folks thought a church could not run
without raising money by improvised fun


that would pry us loose from our savings
to gratify our inward cravings.


A few women prayed, believed and worked;
Most of the men doubted and shirked


until, man-like, they thought things o’er;
Then forth they came with faith unknown before.


Now another year has almost ended;
Reports of good work and funds expended,


indicate that we’ll have the means to pay
for Gospel tracts to win more souls every day;


And He’s blessed the saints with sweet communion.


“For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God and approved of men.” [Romans 14:17-18]