“Church-ianity” or Christianity…
That is the question.


Conventional churches are designed to do the following:

  • Insulate us from talking and forming relationships by having everyone sitting in neat little rows.
  • Preventing doctrine from being challenged by only allowing a leadership class to teach.
  • Prevent people from asking difficult questions by having a primary teaching environment (sermon).
  • Avoid having to train up new leaders ourselves, by hiring new leaders from outside.
  • Simplify leadership selection by choosing leaders by academic standards primarily, not by spiritual standards that require years of interacting and really getting to know a man and his wife and children to determine if he has proven his ability to live a godly life, to lead a household, to be committed to others and to know how to teach.

You can find a LOT more information on the subject of how a BIBLICAL local church should function in the articles listed here:  Church – What It’s All About

Most local churches are run by men (and even women nowadays) who go to Bible schools where they learn to perpetuate the unbiblical and highly suboptimal “Clergy System“.