Hell Is A Joke?


Hell is a joke and Christians are fools who believe in fairy tales from a book they call the Bible… that’s what many “enlightened” people believe nowadays.


The truth is, any real Christian was once a lot like you if you are a non-believer.  They were skeptics at best and mockers or persecutors at worst.  But in the process of reading or hearing about what the Bible had to say about who they are and who this creator God is, they came to understand some terrible things about themselves and about God, things that no one would want to be ignorant of or misinformed about.  They came to understand that the very fact that they had a conscience – an innate knowledge of right and wrong was a sign that there is a God, a lawgiver and a judge, a Being to whom they would have to give an account of their lives some day.


Hell is as real as the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  Christ’s crucifixion is proof positive that there must be a place of eternal punishment such as Hell…  As surely as God would pour out His wrath on His only begotten Son, He will pour it out on you if you do not repent of your sins and throw yourself at the mercy of the God whose infinitely holiness demands the punishment of sin and the banishment of sinners from His holy Heaven.


“All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.”
[Hebrews 4:13]