Words To Winners Of Souls

by Horatius Bonar


Our One Object: To Win Souls


We take for granted that the object of the Christian ministry is to convert sinners and to edify the body of Christ. No faithful minister can possibly rest short of this. Applause, fame, popularity, honor, wealth-all these are vain. If souls are not won, if saints are not matured, our ministry itself is vain.


The question, therefore, which each of us has to answer to his own conscience is, “Has it been the end of my ministry, has it been the desire of my heart to save the lost and guide the saved? Is this my aim in every sermon I preach, in every visit I pay? Is it under the influence of this feeling that I continually live and walk and speak? Is it for this I pray and toil and fast and weep? Is it for this I spend and am spent, counting it, next to the salvation of my own soul, my chiefest joy to be the instrument of saving others? Is it for this that I exist? To accomplish this would I gladly die? Have I seen the pleasure of the Lord prospering in my hand? Have I seen souls converted under my ministry? Have God’s people found refreshment from my lips, and gone upon their way rejoicing, or have I seen no fruit of my labors, and yet content to remain unblest? Am I satisfied to preach, and yet not know of one saving impression made, one sinner awakened ?”


Nothing short of positive success can satisfy a true minister of Christ. His plans may proceed smoothly and his external machinery may work steadily, but without actual fruit in the saving of souls he counts all these as nothing. His feeling is: “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you” (Galatians 4:19). And it is this feeling which makes him successful.


“Ministers,” said Owen, “are seldom honored with success unless they are continually aiming at the conversion of sinners.” The resolution that in the strength and with the blessing of God he will never rest without success, will insure it. It is the man who has made up his mind to confront every difficulty, who has counted the cost and, fixing his eye upon the prize, has determined to fight his way to it — it is such a man that conquers.



NOTE: The above text is just an excerpt from the book “Words To Winners Of Souls”. 

For a complete copy of the 97 page book in PDF format click HERE.


A Poem For Discouraged Christians


Why is the road so narrow?
Why is the way so rough?
Why is this new life so lonely?
Why is it often so tough?

Why am I so outnumbered?
Why must I be on my guard?
Being a faithful good witness
is something I find very hard.


Why are the “saints” so worldly?
Why are the godly so few?
Why is the world so wicked?
And so many Christians seem lost too.


Why aren’t more Christians thirsty
for God’s unwavering truth?
Why do they seem to fall back into
the besetting sins of their youth?


Why do they think it so strange, so peculiar
that I care so much for the lost?
Why don’t they act like their Master
who pursued sheep no matter the cost?


The “lost” glory in everything evil.
They continually boast of their sin.
Aren’t I an unthankful ungrateful wretch
if I keep silent or just try to blend in?


I MUST boast of my loving Savior
for He bled and died for MY sin.
I MUST fight the good fight always,
I surely owe nothing less to Him.


I MUST not look at the others,
who waver and slumber and roam.
I MUST travel the hard and steep pathway.
for the blood on that road leads me home.


“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9)