Two Gospels And Therefore Two Preaching Styles

Arminian Calvinism gospels preaching styles

The modern church has come up with a seeker-friendly gospel (plan of salvation), one where you don’t need to mention the word Hell or ever say much about it. Also, you barely have to tell the sinner much of anything. This gospel is known as Arminianism, also known as the “free-will” gospel. With this free-will gospel, preachers don’t even have to mention sin, repentance, judgment, or holiness if they don’t want to. All they have to do is say that if you want to go to Heaven, just accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior… and you can do THAT by reciting a prayer or walking down an aisle at a church or by raising your hand at an “altar call” in a church service. It’s that simple. This new easy – and yes, FALSE – gospel is in stark contrast to the gospel of the Bible.
The real gospel of salvation involves preaching from God’s word about the LAW of God, the holiness of God, the reality and purpose of Hell, the sinlessness of Heaven, the eternal wrath of God, God’s hatred of both sin and the rebellious sinner, the utter lostness of mankind, the spiritual deadness of the unsaved sinner, the blood atonement of Christ, the crucifixion of Christ as the only remedy for sin, and so many other Bible doctrines that expound on the reason why sinners desperately need a savior, the only savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. The sinner has no need of the Good News of the sacrifice of Christ for sinners, if there is no “bad news”.
So many modern preachers are ignorant of the importance of God’s Word, and in particular, God’s Law (i.e. the 10 commandments), in the true God-ordained salvation process. Yet the Bible tells us the following important fact about the Law IN God’s salvation process:
“Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the LAW is the knowledge of sin.” Romans 3:20
Basically what that means is that you can’t be saved (or justified) by trying to keep God’s commandments. However, those commandments serve to show sinners that they are law-breakers against God’s laws, and they therefore are guilty before God and in dire need of a Savior to pay their sin debt for violating God’s laws. Yet many preachers – who don’t use God’s Law to convict and convert sinners – wonder why people who they preach to are not coming to Christ. And likewise, they wonder why their “converts” are walking away – or “backsliding” as many preachers like to say, when in reality, those converts were not ever converted by GOD. They were just buying some “spiritual fire insurance” from some preacher who was selling an attractive salvation package deal. — RM Kane