Flu And Virus Prevention And Natural Treatments

How To Cope With Flus & Colds Using Common Sense Wellness Methods

YES! You CAN Take Charge Of Your Own Health!

alternative medicine holistic homeopathic health supplements diet for colds flus viruses



This article is meant to give you some guidelines for a healthy diet and supplements to keep your immune system in shape, to guard against colds and flu viruses. You are encouraged to do your own research online or from books. Some books on health and wellness are listed at the bottom of this article. Obviously there is a need to consult with doctors in some cases, especially if you have any serious health problems, and especially since you probably can’t do your own blood work or other diagnostics tests. But if you are reasonably well, and want to stay that way, this article is for you. If you are sick and medical tests verify exactly what is wrong, you are encouraged to do your own research for the solution to your problem. Keep in mind that you don’t need a prescription drug that may do nothing more than mask your symptoms… you need to repair your body and its immune system so that you can return to wellness. Few, if any pharmaceutical drugs are going to include all the nutrients your body needs to be healthy. If fact, most pharmaceutical drugs have NOTHING to do with nutrition and wellness. They are typically nothing more than bandaids for people whose bodies are not getting the nutrition and exercise needed for the maintenance of good health. If you don’t want to live healthy because you might have to change your eating habits and lifestyle habits, then I can assure you that the Big Pharma medical establishment will be more than happy to help you continue to neglect your health, provided you have adequate health insurance to pay for the experiments they will be conducting on you.

Foods for health

There are several foods that are extremely beneficial for a healthy immune system to help your body fight off all sorts of terrible diseases and cancer.

A simple standard food regimen

Some “standard” at-home cold and flu remedies are these primary items:
1. red or pink grapefruit, fresh
2. raw garlic, not the bleached junk from China (that looks so nice and white because its bleached).
3. raw honey (though it’s best to minimize the use of any sweeteners in your diet. But RAW honey is one of the better natural sweeteners you can use. Another alternative is organic raw sugar.
4. fresh ginger (or bottled organic ginger juice)
5. Any and ALL organic fruits, vegetables, breads, etc.
6. Organic nuts, especially almonds.
7. Organic cooking oils, but since these can become rancid quickly or may not contain 100% of the good oils, it is probably safer to stick with organic coconut oil, which has a pretty long shelf life and not likely to get rancid quickly.

Drinks for health

1. Water… FRESH water! Use a GOOD filter, that at least has an activated charcoal filtering component to it. Reverse osmosis filters are even better. But NEVER drink water straight out of the tap if you have city water. You will be drinking all sorts of toxins including chlorine and fluoride and various nasty pollutants that get into a city water supply at the water treatment plant.
2. organic apple cider vinegar – this can be added to a glass of water as you would add lemon juice.
3. organic lemon juice – either added to cold water or to hot water. Add it to hot water with raw honey for a sinus clearing and throat soothing drink.
4. herbal teas… many herbal teas are available for boosting the immune system (such as green tea) and even fighting cancer (essiac tea for example).

Basic over-the-counter supplements for a health immune system

Vitamin D3 is essential for immune system health. Typically sold in the form of “gel-caps” containing some kind of vegetable oil. Be sure to AVOID gel-caps that contain soybean oil, canola oil or other GMO oils.
Liquid Echinacea is a great immune system boosting supplement and in an easy to absorb form.
Here is one source: Nature’s Answer- Echinacea
Vitamin C powder – this allows you to easily regulate higher doses than you might find in tablets.
This vitamin C powder is organic and is easy to ingest in high amounts (they do sell smaller packages than this): Swansons Buffered Vitamin C Powder
Vitamin C powder is good for use with smoothies and will add some tartness and also make it easier to ingest larger doses of vitamin C. AVOID large dose Vitamin C tablets such as those 1000mg or larger. They tend to be so rock hard that they will likely just pass through your body and end up at a sewage treatment plant. That goes for just about any rock hard tablet including most multivitamin tablets.
How much Vitamin C powder? You should start with the recommendations on the jar or package.
Tonic Water – The quinine in tonic water can be very helpful for combating viruses.
How much tonic water? It depends on how much gin you have. 🙂 Seriously, I would just go with one of those small (10oz) bottles per day along with a zinc tablet. If that doesn’t do much by the next day, I would go with a bottle and a tablet in the morning and one again at night, assuming you already have virus or flu symptoms. Also I would try to find a tonic water 6 pack that has sugar (or no sweetener), not high-fructose-corn-syrup and not artificial sweeteners in it, and with glass bottles, not plastic, for safer long term storage (no chemicals to worry about leaching out of plastic).
Zinc supplement tablets
This is a highly absorbable zinc: Zinc-Picolinate
More information on zinc:

More Complex Virus Treatments

The following treatments are being done at hospitals and doctors offices for the Covid-19 virus and would probably be effective on the season flu virus also. The problem we (as patients) have, is that the major pharmaceutical companies have so much power and control over doctors, hospitals and governments, that these treatments are being banned or downplayed or discredited, in favor of the very lucrative, yet very dangerous VACCINE market. Why are vaccines so lucrative for drug companies? Because the lobbyists of the drug companies have been very successful in getting laws passed to exempt the drug companies for legal liablity for vaccine injuries and deaths.

  • Vitamin C Infusion Treatments
  • Hydroxychloriquine with Zinc Treatments
  • Ivermectin (for COVID & Flu Viruses)

Vitamin C Infusion Treatments

Click here for information on Vitamin C infusion therapy from a clinic in Michigan.
Click here for information on Vitamin C infusion therapy from a clinic in Kansas.

Hydroxychloriquine with Zinc Treatments

Some informative articles on hydroxychloriquine: to be provided soon


Ivermectin is, like hydroxychloriquine, primarily an anti-parasitic medication, available by prescription. It has shown great promise in PREVENTING and treating Covid-19 cases. More information on Ivermectin can be found here: Videos About Ivermectin

Lifesyle and a healthy immune system

Getting outside every day for fresh air, exercise and sunshine is vital to maintain a healthy immune system. The sunshine helps the human body process Vitamin D. The exercise improves heart health, lungs health, muscle and skeletal health and circulatory health. Also, going outside exposes your body to both good and bad germs, which are essential for the strengthening of your immune system.



If you need to go to a doctor or hospital, call ahead to make sure they offer the treatments you want otherwise DO NOT GO!


If you need to go to a hospital, make sure that you first assign a trusted friend or family member – in writing – as your health care advocate.


Recommended reading

  • Healing With Whole Foods – Oriental Traditions And Modern Nutrition
  • Alternative Cures – The Most Effective Natural Home Remedies For 160 Health Problems
  • Blended Medicine – The Best Choices In Healing – The Breakthrough System That Combines Natural, Alternative & Mainstream Medicine For More Than 100 Ailments
  • Nature’s Medicines – From Asthma To Weight Gain, From Colds To High Cholesterol – The Most Powerful All-Natural Cures
  • The Folk Remedy Encyclopedia – Olive Oil, Vinegar, Honey and 1,001 Other Home Remedies
  • Prescription For Nutritional Healing – A Practical A-to-Z Reference To Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements
  • The Doctors Book Of Home Remedies – Thousands of Tips and Techniques Anyone Can Use To Heal Everyday Health Problems
  • A Country Doctor’s Common Sense Health manual
  • Vitamins And Minerals – Questions you have… Answers you need
  • The Healing Benefits Of Garlic – How to master the remarkable powers of this age-old medicinal herb – for natural health and well-being
  • The Country Doctor Handbook – Old-Fashioned Cures That Prevent and Reverse Pain, Obesity, Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes and More