Some Possible Home Remedies And Holistic Treatments

For The Seasonal Common Cold And Flu Viruses

cold flu covid virus supplements treatments home remedies

Please note that I am sharing my own experience and on-line research – and not claiming to be a doctor or medical professional. All I can say is, that OUR OWN HEALTH is something we should take responsibility for OURSELVES, long before our health gets so bad that we need to seek professional medical care. However, many people prefer to live and eat any way they want and then run out to a doctor to fix the mess they’ve made by their bad choices. I must admit that I could eat a better diet and exercise more if I really set my mind to do so.
The following list of suggestions is not meant to be done in one sitting but rather spread throughout the day, for as many days as you feel under the weather.
1. If I feel a cold coming on, the first thing I take is echinacea, preferably the liquid but capsules are good too.
2. Then I make a raw garlic sandwich with bread and butter so the raw garlic won’t make me throw up, because it can do that if you are not used to eating raw garlic. You need to crush the garlic for it to be most effective. You can use a garlic press/pliers or the side of a meat cleaver on a cutting board, etc.
3. Then I eat at least half of a pink or red grapefruit if I have one on hand. You can also drink grapefruit juice OR use grapefruit seed extract… just add a few drops of the extract in a cup of hot tea.
4. That brings me to the next remedy… I consume a lot of hot teas, any kind are good, green tea and herbal teas are best… with raw local honey if you want to sweeten it. Some herbal teas to check out include various echinacea blends on the market and also hibiscus tea.
5. I avoid any dairy (except perhaps a little butter) if possible. I primarily try to avoid ingesting things that can cause mucous build-up in your throat and lungs… things like milk, ice cream, cheeses, etc.
6. I use a steam vaporizer, with some kind of essential oil like camphor, frankincense or Vicks vapor rub as an alternative. Not everyone can tolerate every essential oil smell so please do your own research in this area before making your house smell like something you can’t stand. Camphor, frankincense and similar oils may smell like turpentine (paint thinner) to some people so you might want to try out a less harsh oil like citronella, which tends to smell better and can have relaxing effects.
7. Take key supplements like: Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Zinc, Quercetin. I try to avoid the rock hard tablets… they only end up in your septic tank or at the sewage treatment plant believe it or not. Capsules or gelcaps are far better (more digestible) than tablets, but juices and fresh fruits and veggies are even better… like oranges, lemons, limes, tart apples, garlic, onion, green leafy veggies, etc.
8. I might try some optional immune boosting supplements – including spices and herbs in capsule form or as additives to soups and entrees: There’s many of these to choose from… like turmeric/curcumin and cayenne pepper, oregano, rosemary, parsley, etc.
9. If I have a very serious congestion problem I will use a nebulizer with just a sterile pre-made (in plastic vials) saline solution or the same kind of saline with a very small amount of 3% hydrogen peroxide, to loosen congestion in the lungs. For a 5ml saline vial, you would only want to add a couple of drops of peroxide, but please do you own research on dosages of peroxide.
10. If you want to maintain or boost your immune system with supplements that have a long storage life and are easily processed by your body, there are two powders I recommend that you can add to water or tea or juice:
A. Green superfood powder such as Swanson’s Green Max Powder for example. There are MANY similar superfood powders. All are quite helpful for the immune system.
B. Brewer’s yeast powder such as Swanson’s non-GMO brewer’s yeast or any other similar one. Brewer’s yeast is loaded with B vitamins and other nutrients.
You can find all these things online and many at local stores. I like shopping online at – they have plenty of vitamins, minerals and supplements at a discount and they usually tell you all the ingredients and additives and doses and what the capsules are made of and if the ingredients are organic or not. Organic is probably best in most cases, but then there are people who say that “organic” labeling in not always trustworthy.
And one more thing… I am not sure of how effective Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine are against colds but they do seem promising for fighting viruses according to what I have read online. I have information about those two medications here: Treatments And Preventative Measures For COVID-19 and Season Flu Viruses
A trip to a local pharmacy or the pharmacy section of a local supermarket, may allow you to stock up and find some things that I may have overlooked or that I may not even be aware of.
I hope this helps you out as you cope with the winter cold and flu season. — RM Kane