Reformed Ministries & Calvinism Resources

Here are some very helpful and very biblical resources for those Christians who have come to understand and appreciate the Bible “doctrines of grace” that men and women of the Protestant Reformation lived and died for. If you wish to find out why so many great Bible teachers, preachers and scholars of the past (and many of our day) believed that Calvinism is a very accurate summation of the Gospel, then you are urged to check out these resources also. May the Good Lord richly bless you as you seek to rightly divide the word of truth, test the Spirits and prove all things! Don’t let anyone deceive you. Be like the Bereans of Acts chapter 17:11 and search the Scriptures for yourself. Many preachers nowadays have had a very poor Biblical education in Bible colleges that neglected to teach vital aspects of Church history, especially regarding the Reformers and the Puritans. They also have done a sorry job of teaching on the attributes of God, especially God’s sovereignty, and especially His sovereignty in salvation.

The Reformation Wall – Geneva Switzerland

protestant reformation reformers statue geneva switzerland

From left: William Farel, John Calvin,
Theodore Beza, and John Knox

Reformed Christian Radio (online)

Discussion Groups & Blogs

Directories Of Reformed/Calvinistic Churches

Lists Of Bible Teachers & Theologians Who Are Calvinists

These lists include those who are deceased.

Evangelism & Missionary Societies

Reformed Churches/Denominations

Reformed Discipleship Ministries

Live Sunday Services Online By Reformed Pastors

Reformed Pastors & Teachers On YouTube

Spanish Reformed Ministries

Reformed And Calvinist Writings & Writers

Reformed Book Publishers

Hyper-Calvinism Articles

Recommended Reading

Please note that inclusion of these links on this page does not indicate an endorsement of everything at the web sites for these ministries. As with all Bible materials – YOU need to compare what you read with scripture…

What is meant by “reformed”?

Reformed refers to the branch of Christianity that seeks to closely follow the great teachers and preachers of the Protestant Reformation – that group of godly men and women who sought to correct many gross errors in theology and practice in the Catholic church.  Many were severely persecuted and put to death for the sake of God’s word and God’s true Church. Reformed Christians are those who believe and teach the bible-based “Doctrines of Grace” (also known as Calvinism), as apposed to Christians who believe and teach apposing (and unbiblical) views of salvation: Arminianism and Free-Willism for example. For more information on Free Will and Predestination click HERE.


Evolution & Intelligent Design Links

intelligent design links websites list creationism sites

Evolution The Big Hoax – huge list of resources


Home Schooling Resources

mother home schooling reading books to children

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” [Proverbs 22:6]


Whose values do your want your children to have when they grow up? Yours or the values of God’s enemies? Your values or the values of people who think you are totally unfit to teach your own children, especially when it comes to moral and religious matters? Who even knows what all your concerns are regarding the education of your children?

WARNING!  Never take for granted the privilege of home schooling your children…

This can happen in American and anywhere:     Germany Declares War on Home-Schoolers


House Church Resources

“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.” [1Corinthians 12:12]

Here you will find forums, videos, literature and links to websites that discuss house churches: what they are about and how they differ from conventional, institutional churches.

House Church Forums:

  • Home Church Discussion List (HCDL): HCDL is an internet discussion forum about home churches.
  • New-wineskin: (recommended… lots of discussion on this forum) The New Wineskin is a community of house church folks who seek fellowship centered around Jesus Christ alone. We believe that the place most conducive for gatherings is in the home setting. We hold to the view that Jesus instructed His disciples to model servant leadership through an attitude of humility and service. We reject the modern hierarchal model of church, which creates division within the Lord’s body. We don’t believe in official titles or positions that create a clergy/laity division within the Body of Christ. This community is a place where unorthodox views are shared and discussed
  • Virginia Home Church Network: (not a real active forum but its here to let you know about region-specific groups) The Virginia Home-Church Network is an email group designed to connect believers in SE Virginia who are seeking to know their Lord Jesus in a real and personal way, and who believe He is best found within a community of believers rather than an institutional church setting

House Church Publications:

House Church Directories:

Video: Are Church Members Just Customers Now?

House Church Videos: