Brother Kane
Predestination And Free-Will – Why Preach If Salvation Is All Up To God?
Predestination And Free-Will
Why Preach If Salvation Is All Up To God?
This is one of the main concerns about Calvinism of the free-will camp. They think that if all Christians were Calvinists, no one would share the Gospel. Not to worry. A good Calvinist knows his Bible. For instance, he knows what it says in Romans chapter 10:
Romans 10:14-15 – “14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how… Continue reading
Predestination And Free-Will – Where Did These Modern Evangelism Methods Come From?
Predestination And Free-Will
Where Did These Modern Evangelism Methods Come From?
Where did people get their modern-day ideas for presenting the Gospel? Certainly we can learn wrong doctrine when verses are taken out of context and combined with plausible explanations. When error is repeated often enough, it can easily become accepted as fact. But there is a major reason why error goes on being repeated without being corrected. “What is it?” you may be wondering. It has to do… Continue reading
Predestination And Free-Will – Getting Decisions For Christ?
Predestination And Free-Will
Getting Decisions For Christ?
In the interest of seeing people saved, we can invent methods of evangelism that give us the results we are looking for – tangible evidence that our efforts are bearing fruit. The problem with this approach is that “Salvation is of the Lord” (Jonah 2:9) and so only God can give the increase (1 Corinthians 3:7). Any attempt on our part to give the increase will yield false fruit – people who… Continue reading
Predestination And Free-Will – Can Unsaved Man Cooperate With God?
Predestination And Free-Will
Can Unsaved Man Cooperate With God?
Have you ever witnessed to a Catholic, a Catholic who knows what their church really teaches? Do they not say that a person must cooperate with God’s grace in order to maintain their works-based salvation. They consider this cooperation to be a lifelong process. In a similar fashion, free-will teachers say that the will of God works with the will of man to effect a man’s salvation. This idea is… Continue reading
Predestination And Free-Will – Why Would God Tell Us To Receive Christ If We Can’t?
Predestination And Free-Will
Why Would God Tell Us To Receive Christ If We Can’t?
Why indeed, would the Bible say over and over that in order to become saved we must believe the Gospel, we must repent of our sins, we must receive Christ, we must do all sorts of things that we cannot possibly do as spiritually dead beings? The Bible is full of commands that no one is capable of obeying. Take just this one for instance:… Continue reading