A Worldwide Internet Christian Discipleship Ministry

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Christian discipleship about us page


What this Internet ministry is all about.


ComingInTheClouds.org is all about Christian discipleship & biblical truth seeking…


       – Filling in the gap regarding what most pastors and elders don’t teach.

       – Helping Christians unlearn bad and false teachings.

       – Encouraging Christians to study and research spiritual issues for themselves.

       – Providing tools to help Christians study the Bible more thoroughly and accurately.

       – Covering subjects that are taboo or grossly neglected in bible schools and seminaries.


Martin Luther at the Diet Of Worms in Germany in 1521

The above photo shows the reformer Martin Luther (a Catholic Monk and Bible scholar), refuting the errors in biblical doctrine and exposing the unbiblical practices and traditions of the Church of Rome in the town of Worms, Germany in 1521. It is in that Spirit of Truth – however unpopular it may be – that this website was founded.


Introduction – our focus


This website and Internet ministry is here for the benefit of both Christians and non-Christians.  We are here to help Christians find out if people they are listening to and learning from are telling them the truth and if their church leaders are forgetting to teach them anything important. Another important purpose of this site is to help non-Christians find out why they are here in this world and where they are going when they leave this world at death. Whatever you do, check out what everybody says. Don’t blindly follow or believe people without doing your own THOROUGH investigation. Your eternal destiny is too important to trust to some so-called religious authorities.


HOW this Internet ministry got started


This website is the result of years of wandering through a spiritual desert, after becoming saved by the grace of God.   It represents things learned along the way after visiting many churches and denominations, after being a member of some of those denominations (and non-denominations).   The road has been bumpy and full of turns but God in His faithfulness has directed me (brother RM Kane) to truth on many issues that I and other folks have often scratched our heads about.  In this process God has used various people, some Christians, some atheists, some friends, some family, some strangers.


The articles on this website are a combination of things. Some are actually bible studies I put together over the years since being saved by God’s grace in 1985. Some articles are Gospel tracts I have written to share my faith with others. Some articles are from the pen of some of my dear brothers in Christ. Also, a large number of articles have been gleaned from other sources: many articles are from great preachers and teachers of the past including the Reformers, the Puritans, and outstanding theologians like Charles Spurgeon, John Gill, Matthew Henry, John Owen and Arthur Pink. Some material has been taken from actual posts and dialogs on Internet discussion forums. I always try to give credit where credit is due. If an article was written by someone other than myself, I have made note of who that author was.


WHY this ministry came about


It took quite a few years before I realized that most churches teach very little – if anything – about church history, including the Protestant Reformation.  They RARELY teach anything about the Reformers such as Martin Luther, John Foxe, William Tyndall, John Huss and a whole host of other great men and women of God who where willing to be persecuted and killed for the truths taught in Scripture. Instead of celebrating Reformation Sunday on October 31st of each year, modern churches celebrate Halloween or a pseudo-Halloween they call a harvest festival. They often focus on their own little world, their specific denomination and its biases, with the result often being a seriously wrong view of God’s sovereignty and man’s lostness and his complete inability to participate in his salvation. So, by ignoring Church history, most modern churches have repeated serious errors of the past, the most serious error being the acceptance of and promotion of the false “free-will gospel”, which is also called Arminianism – a heresy condemned at the Synod Of Dort in 1618!


Most churches nowadays practice what you might call “Church-ianty”, not Christianity.  They’ve lost sight of what God wants of His people and how He wants them to interact when they gather together. So you have people who really don’t know each other, just getting together in a building to play “Simon Says” with a paid religious professional.  No one knows much of anything about the people in the church building who are standing right next to them unless they live in the same house.  The only people in church who use their gifts at these weekly gatherings are the pastors and sometimes the elders.  And the only gifts THEY use are their teaching gifts, which may not be true gifts but just an occupation that they have learned.  This approach to church is WAY OFF from what the true church of Jesus Christ is supposed to be doing when they all assemble in one place.  The whole idea of what is commonly referred to as a worship service is man-made to begin with.  Those who are seeking the kind of church found in the first century, in the book of Acts, will want to check out the articles on “Church – What Its All About“.


For those who may think that to express concern about how Christians live and act is to be legalistic, I would recommend reading the article “Legalistic Or Antiseptic” to get a biblical perspective on legalism versus biblical correction. For those who would say that it is divisive to point out error in a preacher, a ministry or in the Church at large, I would say that you are absolutely correct. But I am only doing what my Lord and Master did and what He stated was a major reason for Him coming into our world:


“To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.” – John 18:37


More about our primary doctrinal views


If you wish to see a rather concise and brief overview of what we believe about God and the Gospel click HERE.


How to stay posted with our updates


You can keep up to date with this site by subscribing to our RSS feed.  Also, more graphics and slideshows are in the works including some slideshow videos.  And some of that material is periodically posted on our Facebook Page. Recently, we’ve added audio versions of some our popular articles.


On a more personal note


I can’t talk about this ministry without mentioning my late wife Valerie.  Her sudden passing from cancer (4 months after being diagnosed with Post-Transplant-Lymphoma) taught me many things about marriage that I wish I had learned earlier on in my marriage, but that was not part of God’s plan for my life. My wife’s love for the great outdoors taught me to more fully enjoy God’s great handiwork of creation. Her lifelong battle with kidney disease (and 3 kidney transplants spanning 42 years) taught me that we have no excuse to complain about our minor health problems, but instead should be focusing on how we can minister to those whose health problems are much larger than our own. And lastly, the abruptness of my wife’s death has impressed upon me how important it is to really focus on the Lord, on sharing my faith, on prayer, on the study of the Word and on the needs of – and relationships to – people, over and above any other “ministry”.




I am much indebted to a core group of brothers in Christ whom God put into my path years ago while living in New Jersey. These brothers have helped me to grow in the Lord by their own contagious love for biblical truth, even now, as I correspond with them by phone and by mail. They have supplied materials for articles and bible studies and have reviewed some of the articles I have written.


Other ministry venues


You can find us on Facebook at this link:
However, most of our written materials are found exclusively on this website. Our Facebook page primarily has inspirational quotes and scenic scripture postcards.
And for those interested, here is a brief write-up of my conversion experience, with an emphasis on how the “new birth” transforms a person into a new creature in Christ.

In Christ’s service by His Grace alone,


     RM Kane – Founder & Ministry Director

     Comingintheclouds.org – Worldwide Internet Christian Discipleship Ministry


Feel free to share your thoughts and concerns with us by contacting us at our Contact Page


More About ComingInTheClouds.org:

Featured Gospel Message

Christ Died For The Ungodly

by Horatius Bonar

The divine testimony concerning man is, that he is a sinner. God bears witness against him, not for him; and testifies that "there is none righteous, no, not one"; that there is "none that doeth good"; none "that understandeth"; none that even seeks after God, and, still more, none that loves Him (Psa. 14:1-3; Rom. 3:10-12). God speaks of man kindly, but severely; as one yearning over a lost child, yet as one who will make no terms with sin, and will "by no means clear the guilty." <continued>