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Disturbing 501c3 Corporate Church Report

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Disturbing 501c3 Corporate Church Report

by Scott Johnson – February 2009


In order to be licensed as a “legal” church eligable for tax exempt status, the government requires a church to incorporate as what is called a 501c3 non-profit organization. In so doing, the government has control over those churches and will have its nose in the financial affairs of the local church and its members. The early Christians in the Bible met in each other’s homes (Philemon 1:2), they were not state-licensed organizations. The Church is not a business!


The L.A. Times has just reported that local ministers are being asked to spread the word about the upcoming digital TV switch. Standing in the pulpit of Mount Moriah Baptist Church in South Los Angeles FCC Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein asked the Baptist Ministries Conference of Los Angeles (nearly 50 African American preachers) to include information on the June 12 digital TV switch in their sermons. Woodie Ramsey, a deacon at Southern Missionary Baptist Church of South East Los Angeles, said the ministers were prepared to spread the word: “It’s incumbent upon each church to take care of the needs of its ministry, and this is just one more need for our people,” he said. “We’ll do our part.”


Meanwhile “The Worldwide Church of God” has refused to divulge how many of its pastors are now on the FEMA payroll [see article HERE], after a member expressed concerns about religious leaders being used to condition their congregation to accept the declaration of martial law. In a May 2006 a story first broke (and has since been confirmed) the shocking news that FEMA was training pastors and other religious representatives to become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to obey the government in preparation for a declaration of martial law, property and firearm seizures, and forced relocation [see article HERE]. A KSLA news report confirmed that ‘Clergy Response Teams’ are being trained by the federal government to quell dissent and pacify citizens to obey the government in the event of a declaration of martial law. We will also be covering many more topics that relate to this subject.


Eye-opening sermons by Pastor Scott Johnson about 501c3 church incorporation:

501c3 church movement sermon – part 1 (MP3 audio)

501c3 church movement sermon – part 2 (MP3 audio)

501c3 church movement sermon – part 3 (MP3 audio)

501c3 church movement sermon – part 4 (MP3 audio)


Related Material On Unincorporating A Church:


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