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The Most Believed Lie

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The Most Believed Lie

by Greg Elmquist


There are many lies being told about our Lord that are, to the damnation of men’s soul, believed by most.    There is, however, one big lie that is more unanimously believed than all the others. It is a universally accepted fact that man has a free will.  Men pride themselves in believing that they are able to override the power of God with this all powerful “free will”.   This lie claims that in the final analysis man decides the destiny of his own soul, and that God has made himself subject to this irresistible force.


If by “free will” man believes that he is free, when given two or more options, to choose the one he wants, that is without dispute.  As a matter of fact, that is always the case.  We could even go so far as to say that it is impossible to select an option that is not your preference.   When given an opportunity to select from among two or more possibilities we always choose the one for which we have the greatest inclination or desire.  ALWAYS!  Man’s will is not free. It is subject to, yes in bondage to, his natural inclinations. Therein lies the problem. 


It is not in man’s fallen, sinful nature to desire salvation God’s way.  John 5:40 “And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.”  In choosing what he wants he always chooses against the light.   John 3:19 “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”  It is impossible for man to force his choice against his own will.   He is in desperate need of a new nature; one that is born from above. One that has as its only inclination a desire for coming to the Christ of scripture.  John 3:16 “Ye must be born again”. 


Some will attempt to honor God by agreeing that He must give us a new heart, only to dethrone Him by saying that you must be willing to let Him. John 6:44 “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him”. You say, but doesn’t the Bible say ‘whosoever will’…?  Yes.  But the problem is not with the whosoever, it is with the will.


Greg Elmquist is pastor of
Grace Gospel Church
423 East 6th Street
Apopka, FL 32703


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