The Gospel According To J.D.
The Gospel According To J.D.
An Example Of A Subtle False Works Gospel
“They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.” [1John 2:19]
An acquaintance of mine, whom I will refer to as J.D., has made an astounding transition for someone who seemed… Continue reading
Words To Evangelists About Preaching The Gospel
Words To Evangelists About Preaching The Gospel
By C.H. Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892, Pastor & Evangelist)
Preaching About Hell
“In some professed Christians their pity for the criminal has overcome their horror at the crime. Eternal punishment is denied, not because the scriptures are not plain enough on that point, but because man has become the god of man, and everything must be toned down to suit the tender feelings of an age which excuses sin but denounces… Continue reading
Smiley-Face Christianity: The Gospel For The 21st Century
Smiley-Face Christianity:
The Gospel For The 21st Century

Modern man wants a modern gospel, a more palatable plan of salvation, one that has a more seeker-friendly message accompanied by a happy-face delivery boy. And such a gospel – which is no gospel at all – must adhere to certain socially acceptable guidelines to be acceptable to today’s “tolerant” generation, the generation that tolerates anything OTHER THAN biblical truth. Here are those modern guidelines:
- Do your best to preach without hurting anyone’s feelings.
- You… Continue reading