Smiley-Face Christianity: The Gospel For The 21st Century
Smiley-Face Christianity:
The Gospel For The 21st Century

Modern man wants a modern gospel, a more palatable plan of salvation, one that has a more seeker-friendly message accompanied by a happy-face delivery boy. And such a gospel – which is no gospel at all – must adhere to certain socially acceptable guidelines to be acceptable to today’s “tolerant” generation, the generation that tolerates anything OTHER THAN biblical truth. Here are those modern guidelines:
- Do your best to preach without hurting anyone’s feelings.
- You… Continue reading
Happy Easter?
Happy Easter?
Should Christians Celebrate Easter?
Did the Lord Jesus Christ – the Son of the living God – leave His throne in heaven, come to earth as the scapegoat for our sins, and allow himself to be beaten and killed so that we could go around celebrating a holiday in honor of a pagan fertility goddess named Eastre? I don’t think so. But many professing Christians don’t seem to have a problem with this “holiday”. Some even look… Continue reading
The Warm And Fuzzy Lovie-Dovie Wishy-Washy Church
The Warm And Fuzzy Lovie-Dovie Wishy-Washy Church
Statement Of Faith (A Parody)
- About doctrine: You can believe whatever you want, we don’t mind one bit. We never let doctrine get in the way of unity. Remember blessed are the peacemakers!
- About Christian living: We believe that God wants you to be rich and happy. If you’re not rich and happy then you just don’t have enough faith. So all you have to do is ask God for… Continue reading
False Doctrines In Christianity Today
False Doctrines In Christianity Today
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” [3 John 1:4]