Brother Kane
A Word On Personal Evangelism And Soul Winning
A Word On Personal Evangelism And Soul Winning
by Michael Jeshurun
I had the priceless privilege of preaching the Gospel this evening to a young Mohammedan who is a sinner like the rest of us. I do not preach the Gospel to EVERYONE I run into like I used to do when I was a young convert. When I was newly saved man I was so ‘on-fire’ that I would preach to the cab driver, the bell boy,… Continue reading
We Don’t Have The Correct Currency For Heaven
We Don’t Have The Correct Currency For Heaven
A description of our spiritual bankruptcy in the sight of God
This article is about our spiritual standing before a holy God. I am going to point out how we don’t have the correct “currency” in and of ourselves to purchase our own salvation, nor to even “help” or assist with paying for it. In Christianity, the word “gospel” means “good news” and that good news is that Jesus Christ… Continue reading
Sample Vaccination Exemption Letter To Your Employer
Sample Vaccination Exemption Letter To Your Employer
No authorship claim or copyright asserted…
Dear [supervisor-name]:
I request a religious exemption to any vaccine mandate. Each of the manufacturers of the Covid vaccines currently available, developed and confirmed their vaccines using fetal cell lines, which originated from aborted fetuses ( Partaking in a vaccine developed using aborted fetuses makes me complicit in an action that offends my religious faith. As such, I cannot, in good conscience and… Continue reading
Alternative Uncensored Free-Speech Websites For News, Health & Medical Info, Social Media And MORE
Alternative Uncensored Free-Speech Websites For News, Health & Medical Info, Social Media And MORE
These websites offer uncensored, unbiased health and wellness information:
- Dr. Axe – Wellness & Nutrition Information
- Dr. Mercola – Natural Health Advice
- The Health Ranger’s Natural Foods & Supplements Store
- Find Telemedicine Doctors offering online prescriptions for safe COVID treatment and more
- Frontline Doctors offering safe COVID treatment options and more (FLCCC Alliance)
- Get Vax Exemption Documents HERE
- RFK Jr’s Childrens Health Defense For Vaccine… Continue reading
Free Christian Bible Study Android Apps
Smartphone Cell Phone Android
List Of Christian Bible Study Apps
(Wifi – indicates the app needs to connect to internet to work)
All the following Android apps can be downloaded and installed directly on an Android smartphone using the Google Play Store app. All are free of charge. Additional Android apps can be located here: Google Play Store Website and utilizing the search box on that page.