Catholic Doctrine
False teachings of the Catholic church
Articles that carefully point out the many heretical, unbiblical doctrines of the Roman Catholic church and her many offshoots (Byzantine Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, etc.).
The Pope – Vicar of Christ (what does that really mean)
The Pope – Vicar of Christ (what does that really mean)
The word vicar comes from the Latin word vicarius meaning substitution. The on-line version of the Pocket Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. defines the Vicar of Christ as, “The Pope, visible head of the Church on earth, acting for and in the place of Christ. He possesses supreme ecclesiastical authority in the Catholic Church…” In the Scriptures, however, we clearly see that the Lord… Continue reading
Why Being A Catholic Is NOT A Good Thing
Why Being A Catholic Is NOT A Good Thing
In spite of the fact that the Catholic Church may have told you since birth that they are the one true Church started by Jesus Christ in 33AD, that is most definitely not the case. Their number of members is no proof of authenticity either. There are more Muslims than Catholics so should we therefore believe that Islam is the one true religion? Having said that, here are several signficant… Continue reading
Why I Left The Catholic Church After 30 Years Never To Return
“Why I Left The Catholic Church After 30 Years Never To Return”
by RM Kane, former Roman Catholic
Before I say anything else, I wish to address those Catholics who would dare to tell me that I don’t know Catholicism. What I am sharing here is a REAL LIFE experience based on REAL LIFE teachings and practices of the Catholic Church that I was born into. NOTHING I am sharing here is just my personal opinion. I am… Continue reading
What Are Saints? Are They Dead Super-Holy Catholics?
What Are Saints? Are They Dead Super-Holy Catholics?
Contrary to Catholic Church teaching, the biblical term “saint” does NOT refer to super-holy Catholics who have died and then achieve “sainthood” by passing some rigorous serious of tests and investigations by the Vatican’s saint canonization committee. When the word “saint” is used in the New Testament, it commonly refers to LIVING Christians and not some special group of Catholics who pass the Catholic super do-gooder test. This is made very clear… Continue reading
Why I Am No Longer A Roman Catholic
Why I Am No Longer A Roman Catholic
Even though I was born and raised in the Catholic Church, I am no longer a Roman Catholic for the following reasons:
- Because God truly saved my soul and I am now a true Christian and no longer a Roman Catholic.
- Because I want nothing to do with a religion that is more preoccupied with Mary than with Jesus, even though they claim they are not.
- Because I now know that Catholics… Continue reading