Testimonies Of Former Catholics
Testimonies of former Catholic priests, monks and nuns
Why Catholics Are Wrong For Denying Assurance Of Salvation
Why Catholics Are Wrong For Denying Assurance Of Salvation
A look at Eternal Security and Once Saved Always Saved (OSAS)
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may KNOW that ye have eternal life” 1 John 5:13
In this article we are taking a look at the subjects referred to as eternal security, assurance of salvation and Once Saved Always Saved (OSAS). Catholics (and… Continue reading
The Testimony of Former Catholic Nun Peggy O’Neil
The Testimony of Former Catholic Nun Peggy O’Neil
Saved by Grace at the age of 70 after practicing as a Nun for 50 Years!
This is the story of my conversion to Christ at age 70, after practicing as a nun in the Catholic Church for 50 years. I write this in the hope that it will help others come to an understanding of the True Gospel of Salvation.
My Early Home Life
I was… Continue reading
From Tradition to Truth – A Priest’s Story
From Tradition to Truth
A Priest’s Story
By Former Catholic Priest, Richard Bennett
The Early Years
Born Irish, in a family of eight, my early childhood was fulfilled and happy. My father was a colonel in the Irish Army until he retired when I was about nine. As a family, we loved to play, sing, and act, all within a military camp in Dublin.
We were a typical Irish Roman Catholic family. My father sometimes knelt… Continue reading
Follow Me – Away From The Convent
Follow Me – Away From The Convent
And Out Of Catholicism
By Former Catholic Nun Flo Santini
I was born in Capestrano, a small village of Abruzzi in Central Italy, about two hours by motor northeast of Rome. Born a Roman Catholic, I was instructed by the local nuns, and attended their day camps and other religious programs.
In 1938, when I was eight years old, my brother and I came to live with our father in… Continue reading
Be A Nun – That Must Be The Answer
Be A Nun – That Must Be The Answer
By Former Catholic Nun Shirley Waltz
I was deeply concerned with the problem of how to live close to God and above temptation, and I came to the conclusion that separation from the world into a cloister must be the solution.
I was not born into a Roman Catholic family, but was exposed to much of its influence during my childhood. As a teenager, I was determined to find the… Continue reading