Testimonies Of Former Catholics
Testimonies of former Catholic priests, monks and nuns
This Is My Story – Former Priest
This Is My Story
By Converted Monk And Priest Henry Gregory Adams
What great relief and heavenly peace came into my soul when Christ found me, a lost sinner! I was born of Roman Catholic parents in Wolseley, Saskatchewan, Canada and brought up strictly in the Roman Catholic faith. From early youth I was trying to be good, yet falling progressively into sin. With the rest of the crowd I was heading to perdition.
Salvation through the… Continue reading
Ex-Nun Finds Peace With God
Ex‐Nun Finds Peace With God
The Conversion of A Catholic Nun
By Wilma L. Sullivan, formerly Sister Wilma Marie R.S.M.
Being raised in the Roman Catholic Church by wonderful and loving parents, I came to realize that I had a strong desire to do the will of the Lord in what I considered to be a special way. The only way I felt I could serve the Lord to the fullest was by entering religious life. From 1967 to 1971,… Continue reading
From Rome To Christ
From Rome To Christ – Former Priest’s Testimony
By Former Catholic Priest Mark Pena
My name is Mark Pena. I was born in a little town north of Burgos called Villamediana de Lomas, Spain.
Because I wanted to be a missionary, I decided to enter the novitiate to become a Roman Catholic priest.
I began the novitiate July 24, 1949. After a year and a day we had to swear and promise to God before the… Continue reading
Catholic Or Christian
Catholic Or Christian
By Stella Ciampa – Former Catholic
Is there any difference between a Roman Catholic and a Christian? According to the Bible my answer must be: “Yes — a very real difference.”. I was brought up in a Roman Catholic home and was baptized and confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church. I was taught to love, respect, and honor the Church and to believe and accept all its doctrines. I faithfully did this. It was not until after… Continue reading
I Was A Roman Catholic
I Was A Roman Catholic
By Former Roman Catholic Joe Clifford
I was born and reared in a Roman Catholic home, educated in a Catholic school, served on the altar as an Altar Boy. I believed the Roman Catholic Church was what it claimed to be. I believed that it was right to pray to the Virgin Mary to intercede for my sins and that it was right to believe that I could confess my sins to a priest,… Continue reading