About Catholicism
Information about Catholicism, including their incorrect views on salvation and their unbiblical teachings and erroneous practices.
From Rome To Christ
From Rome To Christ – Former Priest’s Testimony
By Former Catholic Priest Mark Pena
My name is Mark Pena. I was born in a little town north of Burgos called Villamediana de Lomas, Spain.
Because I wanted to be a missionary, I decided to enter the novitiate to become a Roman Catholic priest.
I began the novitiate July 24, 1949. After a year and a day we had to swear and promise to God before the… Continue reading
Catholic Or Christian
Catholic Or Christian
By Stella Ciampa – Former Catholic
Is there any difference between a Roman Catholic and a Christian? According to the Bible my answer must be: “Yes — a very real difference.”. I was brought up in a Roman Catholic home and was baptized and confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church. I was taught to love, respect, and honor the Church and to believe and accept all its doctrines. I faithfully did this. It was not until after… Continue reading
I Was A Roman Catholic
I Was A Roman Catholic
By Former Roman Catholic Joe Clifford
I was born and reared in a Roman Catholic home, educated in a Catholic school, served on the altar as an Altar Boy. I believed the Roman Catholic Church was what it claimed to be. I believed that it was right to pray to the Virgin Mary to intercede for my sins and that it was right to believe that I could confess my sins to a priest,… Continue reading
The Priest Who Found Christ
The Priest Who Found Christ
By Joseph Zacchello – Former Catholic Priest
I was born in Venice, Italy. After twelve years of study in a Roman Catholic Seminary, the Church ordained me as a priest. I was sent to the Italian Church of Blessed Mother Cabrini in Chicago. For four years I preached in Chicago, and later in New York. I never questioned if my sermons or instructions were according to the Bible. My only work and ambition was to… Continue reading
Gospel Messages For Catholics In Graphic Format
Gospel Messages For Catholics In Graphic Format
SEE ALSO: Graphical Gospel Messages
Click here for additional gospel messages in JPG graphic file format.