A Worldwide Internet Christian Discipleship Ministry

About Protestantism

Various aspects of Protestantism, including but not limited to views on salvation, Bible versions, history, and denominations.

True Christianity seeks to ensure that all Christian teaching (doctrine) and Christian living is in agreement with Scripture (the Bible).  The Protestant Reformation came about with this purpose in mind… an attempt – by many Catholic priests, monks and other Catholics – to reform (correct) the Catholic church to be in line with bible teachings.  This is where the expression “Sola Scripturea” com from – which is Latin for Scripture Alone. The teachers and preachers who grew of out this “protestant” movement were protesting against many serious religious issues of their time:

  • First and foremost: false teachings about salvation
  • False teachings about God, Mary, Jesus and man’s own spiritual condition
  • Serious abuses of power in the Catholic leadership
  • Morally corrupt church leaders


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The Real Message Behind The Birth Of Jesus Christ

The Real Message Behind The Birth Of Jesus Christ

reason purpose for birth of Jesus Christ

What is the PRIMARY message behind the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ?
God’s message for the world is not about a cute little baby being born in a manger providing another holiday for us. God’s message – also referred to as the Gospel of Jesus Christ – is a message of Good News. But it’s Good News that most people don’t want to know about or don’t… Continue reading

Are You Ready To Meet God?

Are You Ready To Meet God?

by Harold Camping

area you ready to meet god gospel message tract

The return of Jesus Christ could be sooner than you think! Are You Ready?
God Tells us in Ezekiel 33:3 “When he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people.”
Are you ready to meet God? To test this question, let me present this situation:
Suppose you went to the doctor for a test, and a few days later, you were… Continue reading

How can a person know they are saved?

How can a person know they are saved?


how do i know i am saved and ready for heaven

The question here is, “Hw can a person know they are truly ready for heaven”- that they truly possess salvation for their sins? God saves a person, not by taking the old person and making him or her better through a combination of religious rituals, traditions and guidelines, but by supernaturally imparting a whole new nature into a person when the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in them at the… Continue reading

Jerry Johnson Videos On Dispensationalism

Jerry Johnson Videos On Dispensationalism

In the following series of short but concise videos, Jerry Johnson examines the Bible and explains why scripture refutes dispensationalism.


Video: The Church And Israel


Video: Rapture Theology – The Arrogance of the West


Video: Coming in the Clouds


Video: Dispensationalists Don’t Believe That


Video: I Was Robbed by Dispensationalism


Video: Is Dispensationalism Anti-Semitic

Click here for ADDITIONAL Resources About Dispensationalism

The Two Roads Of Life

The Two Roads Of Life –

Which Road Are You On?


two roads of life salvation damnation heaven hell

Did you know there are basically only two roads of life that a person can be traveling down? Yes, only two. One is called the wide road and the other is called the narrow road. Most people are on the wide road. A lot fewer people are on the narrow road. The narrow road leads to eternal life in Heaven. The wide road leads to eternal separation… Continue reading

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Featured Gospel Message

Christ Died For The Ungodly

by Horatius Bonar

The divine testimony concerning man is, that he is a sinner. God bears witness against him, not for him; and testifies that "there is none righteous, no, not one"; that there is "none that doeth good"; none "that understandeth"; none that even seeks after God, and, still more, none that loves Him (Psa. 14:1-3; Rom. 3:10-12). God speaks of man kindly, but severely; as one yearning over a lost child, yet as one who will make no terms with sin, and will "by no means clear the guilty." <continued>