Why I Left The Catholic Church After 30 Years Never To Return
“Why I Left The Catholic Church After 30 Years Never To Return”
by RM Kane, former Roman Catholic
Before I say anything else, I wish to address those Catholics who would dare to tell me that I don’t know Catholicism. What I am sharing here is a REAL LIFE experience based on REAL LIFE teachings and practices of the Catholic Church that I was born into. NOTHING I am sharing here is just my personal opinion. I am… Continue reading
Some Comments On Dave Hunt’s Book On Calvinism
Some Comments On Dave Hunt’s Book On Calvinism
Titled: What Love Is This
I had heard about Dave Hunt’s book “What Love Is This” that he wrote to debunk Calvinism, but I had not read it, and I have been aware of Hunt’s views on (against) Calvinism for a long time. In fact, I was following Hunt’s Berean Call ministry even before I knew what Calvinism was or what Arminianism was. Well, recently someone brought Dave Hunt’s book… Continue reading
Why The Catholic Church Cannot Be The Pillar And Foundation Of Truth
Why The Catholic Church Cannot Be The “Pillar And Foundation Of Truth”
“But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground [foundation] of the truth.” 1 Timothy 3:15
That statement of the apostle Paul in the first epistle to Timothy actually INVALIDATES Catholicism as the true Church. Why? Because the TRUE Church is known… Continue reading
Unchangeable Spiritual Truths
Unchangeable Spiritual Truths
1. God is sovereign and intimately involved in this world – not some watchmaker sitting around and just watching things unwind.
2. Man is spiritually dead, blind to how sinful he is in God’s opinion and totally helpless to get himself to heaven or even contribute in some tiny way.
3. Christ is totally unique among all religions and He claimed to be so when he walked this earth. He is also eternal God,… Continue reading
Books And Bibles Needed For Christian Literature Ministry
Books & Bibles & Christian Books Needed For International Christian Literature Ministry
If you are wondering what to do with all your underutilized or extra Christian books (preferably reformed), dictionaries (English dictionaries & bible dictionaries), bibles and concordances that are just gathering dust on a shelf, there is a great way to see that they get put to VERY good use. Chapel Library’s Christian Literature Ministry accepts the above mentioned books and bibles for distribution overseas. They can probably… Continue reading