Predestination & Free Will
What the bible says about being chosen by God for salvation versus you choosing God.
Salvation Is Of The Lord By Charles Spurgeon
Salvation Is Of The Lord
by Charles H. Spurgeon
If GOD does require the sinner—dead in sin—that he should take the first step, then he requireth just that which renders salvation as impossible under the gospel as ever it was under the law, seeing man is as unable to believe as he is to obey, and is just as much without power to come to Christ as he is without power to go to heaven without Christ. The power must… Continue reading
The Love Of God And The Depravity Of Man
The Love Of God And The Depravity Of Man
A Look At How 1John 4:19 Relates To The Sovereignty Of God In Salvation
“We love Him, because He first loved us.” – 1John 4:19
Notice: this profound text is a clear statement about the sovereign power of God’s love. It is a lesson about the sovereignty of God’s saving purpose. It is a celebration of the glory of sovereign love.
The verse, despite its brevity, also turns… Continue reading
Some Comments On Dave Hunt’s Book On Calvinism
Some Comments On Dave Hunt’s Book On Calvinism
Titled: What Love Is This
I had heard about Dave Hunt’s book “What Love Is This” that he wrote to debunk Calvinism, but I had not read it, and I have been aware of Hunt’s views on (against) Calvinism for a long time. In fact, I was following Hunt’s Berean Call ministry even before I knew what Calvinism was or what Arminianism was. Well, recently someone brought Dave Hunt’s book… Continue reading
There Is No Such Thing As The Age Of Accountability
There Is No Such Thing As The Age Of Accountability
There is no such thing as ” the Age of Accountability” as most every one describes it…
There are 4 of God’s holy and elect prophets recorded for us in Holy Scripture, whereas these were redeemed while they were yet fetuses. These are… Jacob (Romans 9); David (Psalm 139); Jeremiah (Jeremiah 11:4-5) and John the Baptist (Luke 1:41,44).
Since even as with a fetus has redemption taken… Continue reading
Why Should A Calvinist Preach The Gospel?
Why Should A Calvinist Preach The Gospel?
By Dr. Ken Matto
“Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God. (1 Thessalonians 1:4)”
Introduction – Our Spiritual Condition From Birth
I used the moniker of Calvinist because no matter how many times we show from the Scriptures these doctrines, they still call us “Calvinists.” One of the most common questions which is asked of us who have embraced the biblical doctrines of predestination and election is “If God has… Continue reading