Predestination & Free Will
What the bible says about being chosen by God for salvation versus you choosing God.
Two Gospels And Therefore Two Preaching Styles
Two Gospels And Therefore Two Preaching Styles
The modern church has come up with a seeker-friendly gospel (plan of salvation), one where you don’t need to mention the word Hell or ever say much about it. Also, you barely have to tell the sinner much of anything. This gospel is known as Arminianism, also known as the “free-will” gospel. With this free-will gospel, preachers don’t even have to mention sin, repentance, judgment, or holiness if they don’t want to. All… Continue reading
Jesus Died For Whom?
Jesus Died For Whom?
Jesus died for HIS SHEEP, not for the goats. – Matthew 25:32
Jesus died for HIS CHILDREN, not for children of the Devil. – 1 John 3:10
Jesus died for GOD’S ELECT, not for the reprobate. – 2 Corinthians 13:5
Jesus died for THE WHEAT, not for the tares (weeds). – Matthew 13:30
Jesus died for HIS BRIDE the Church, not for those without (outside) the Church – Mark 4:11… Continue reading
The Pelagian Captivity Of The Church
The following article is reproduced from Modern Reformation, Vol 10, Number 3 (May/June 2001), pp. 22-29.
The Pelagian Captivity Of The Church
by R.C. Sproul
Shortly after the Reformation began, in the first few years after Martin Luther posted the Ninety-Five Theses on the church door at Wittenberg, he issued some short booklets on a variety of subjects. One of the most provocative was titled The Babylonian Captivity of the Church. In this book Luther was looking… Continue reading
The Arminian Captivity Of The Modern Evangelical Church
The Arminian Captivity of the Modern Evangelical Church
by Sung Wook Chung
1995, 1998 Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
It is sad to hear that today many evangelical theologians and Christians despise the notions of “God’s sovereignty” and “the sovereign grace of God.” Although the Holy Scripture proclaims clearly the lordship of God the Creator (Gn 1:1), it is almost impossible for a Christian to listen to a sermon emphasizing God’s free and gracious work in Jesus Christ from today’s pulpits.… Continue reading
The Phrase “Accepting Christ” – Why I Hate It
The Phrase “Accepting Christ” – Why I Hate It
I hate phrases like “accepting Christ” or “you have to “accept Christ to be saved”, not because I am anti-Christian but rather the opposite. I am pro-Bible and pro-biblical truth and the Bible does not teach that a person becomes one of God’s children by “accepting” the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is God, God in the flesh. He needs no one to accept Him in order for the salvation of a… Continue reading