Free-Will, Election And Predestination Graphics Posters
Free-Will, Election And Predestination Graphics Posters
Including Calvinism And Arminianism Quotes And Scriptures
Highlighting God’s Sovereignty In The Salvation Of Sinners
While Pointing Own Mankind’s Total Inability To Save Himself
This webpage was created to share some very concise statements about the truth of God’s sovereignty in salvation, often referred to as election and predestination. If you have ears to hear, you will have to agree that the scriptures referred to in the following images make an airtight case for what are referred to as the Doctrines of Grace. Those who attack those doctrines by labeling them as Calvinism with the intent to insinuate that they are unbiblical doctrines manufactured by John Calvin really need to reevaluate their thinking and hopefully the images below will help them to do that. As the prophet Jonah said: “Salvation is of the Lord” and that means, from start to finish! To God ALONE be the glory! Can I get an amen? — RM Kane
NOTE: To view larger size images, just open the image in a new browser tab or use your browser’s zoom feature.
A large number of these graphics were produced by Michael Jeshurun (as noted in those particular images). Michael’s website (blog) can be found at: