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Every Husband Should Know This

Every Husband Should Know This

Marriage-Saving Advice For Husbands

What Every Husband Should Know About Marriage

1. You Failed as a HUSBAND if you give your parents and siblings negative information against your WIFE.
2. You Failed as a HUSBAND if you watch your parents and siblings bully and abuse your WIFE in every little thing.
3. You Failed as a HUSBAND if you fail to have your own Garden of Eden, by allowing your WIFE to live under the canopy of your parents.
4. You Failed as a HUSBAND if you do not know that you’re the Chief Security Officer to your WIFE.
5. You Failed as a HUSBAND if you easily tell your WIFE just because both of you have misunderstanding that the only thing that’s bringing both of you together is the children.
6. You Failed as a HUSBAND if you fail to understand that one of the ways to show your children love is by showing their mother love.
7. You are a Solid Failure as a HUSBAND if you believe lies against your WIFE and Trust Outsiders instead of your WIFE. My Brother, you’re playing with Fire that May consume you.
8. Sir, if you push that woman around and frustrate her, even SATAN will take note of what will happen to you.
9. Don’t Disregard the Calmness of a Good Woman in life because your life may end up in misery if you frustrate a GOOD WOMAN.
10. Truth is When a woman wants to hurt you, she makes sure IT HITS EVERY JOINT in your body. Don’t argue with me, my gender can PERSEVERE, but we have a psycho part which when activated, even Satan will feel sorry for you.
11. Marriage Isn’t For Every Man. If you can’t Love, Respect, Protect, Value, Provide and Stay Faithful to a woman, PLEASE REMAIN SINGLE. MARRIAGE IS FOR RESPONSIBLE MEN.

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by Horatius Bonar

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