Creation Or Evolution by Gerald Counts
Creation or Evolution?
by Gerald J. Counts
These two theories of the origin of the universe are mutually exclusive. Of the two scientific models constructed around these theories, one is correct and the other incorrect. One is true and the other false. Either the universe, with life on earth included, had a beginning or it did not. Either there is a Creator who is eternal, or the universe has existed eternally in one form or another. Since man was… Continue reading
The 70 Resolutions Of Jonathan Edwards
The 70 Resolutions Of Jonathan Edwards
“Being sensible that I am unable to do anything without God’s help, I do humbly entreat Him by His grace to enable me to keep these resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to His will, for Christ’ s sake.”
Jonathan Edwards is believed to have written resolutions 1 through 21 in one setting in New Haven in 1722 at age 19 and that he reviewed these resolutions once a week.
- Resolved,… Continue reading
A Fourfold Salvation
A Fourfold Salvation
by Arthur Pink – 1938
The subject of God’s “so great salvation” (Heb. 2:3), as it is revealed to us in the Scriptures and made known in Christian experience, is worthy of a life’s study. Anyone who supposes that there is now no longer any need for him to prayerfully search for a fuller understanding of the same, needs to ponder, “If any man thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he… Continue reading
Our Suffering Substitute
Our Suffering Substitute
by Charles Spurgeon
GOD is just, and a just God must punish sin. The great question is, “How can God be just, and yet the Justifier of the ungodly?”
False religions endeavour to answer this question, but they completely fail. The poor heathen thinks he has found the answer in his own terrible sacrifices. He thinks he may give “his first- born for his transgression, the fruit of his body for the sin of his… Continue reading
The Table Of The Lord – The Purpose Of Communion
The Table Of The Lord – The Purpose Of Communion
by Eric Svendsen