Roman Catholicism In The Light Of Their Own Scriptures
Roman Catholicism In The Light Of Their Own Scriptures And Authorities
This book was written in 1915 and copyrighted in 1917 by H.M. Riggle.
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The Soul Winner by Charles Spurgeon
The Soul Winner
by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
What Is It to Win a Soul?
I PURPOSE, dear brethren, if God shall enable me, to give you a short course of lectures under the general head of “THE SOUL-WINNER.” Soulwinning is the chief business of the Christian minister; indeed, it should be the main pursuit of every true believer. We should each say with Simon Peter, “I go a fishing,” and with Paul our aim should be, “That I might… Continue reading
How To Become An Outcast
How To Become An Outcast In Your Local Church
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.” (2 Timothy 4:3)
This brief treatise is not a formula for causing disunity or a recipe for failure. It is merely a matter of fact, based upon experience. The sad truth of the matter is: if you want to be sold out for the Lord and if you want to live an uncompromising life for God… Continue reading
Abortion – Calling Murder A Woman’s Choice
Abortion – Calling Murder A Woman’s Choice
Since when, in a civilized society, can sane people call murder “freedom of choice”? When a government sanctions this act of murder and even affords protections to citizens that commit this horrible act, that government is evil, plain and simple. And anyone else who calls abortion “a woman’s right to choose”, have had their minds blinded and thier consciences so desensitized by evil that its outright scary. They have hearts of stone that… Continue reading
The Coming Collapse Of The U.S.A.
The Coming Collapse Of The U.S.A.
And The Coming Collapse Of The World Economy
The signs of the coming collapse of America, Europe and the rest of the world is described herein with many references to substantiating news articles. The bizarre economic policies and the billion dollar bailouts of banking and other corporate criminals is about to bankrupt the United States. But that probably does not have anyone concerned in the uppermost parts of the US government. They are… Continue reading