What The Bible Says About The Triune Godhead
What The Bible Says About The Triune Godhead
I wish to start off this study by making a rather significant observation about God, the God of all eternity who existed before time began. If the “Godhead” was singular (only one Divine person), then God would be incomplete in a most serious and profound way. God would not know – experientially – what a relationship was or is. In addition to being infinitely holy, God… Continue reading
Whom say ye that I am?
“Whom say ye that I am?”
Jesus Christ – Matthew 8:29
The following Bible verses confirm that Jesus Christ has the exact same divine attributes as God Almighty (Jehovah God):
BOTH Jehovah and Jesus are called Saviour: Isaiah 43:11 (Jehovah), Philippians 3:20, Titus 1:4, Titus 2:13, Titus 3:4-6 (Jesus)
BOTH Jehovah and Jesus are called Judge and have a judgment seat: Judge: Isaiah 33:22 (Jehovah), 2 Timothy 4:1 (Jesus Christ) Judgment seat: Romans 14:10 (God/Jehovah), 2 Corinthians… Continue reading
What the Bible says about the kingdom of God
What The Bible Says About The Kingdom Of God
A Message For Jehovah’s Witnesses
Mark 1:14 – Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God
What is the “gospel of the kingdom”?
If we are to preach the “gospel of the kingdom” we need to know what God is referring to when He speaks of His kingdom. Are Jehovah’s Witnesses and others right about… Continue reading
Jehovah’s Witness Bible Corruption: Additions & Changes
The Jehovah’s Witnesses Translators Altered God’s Word
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”
[Matthew 24:35]
This is a look at how the Jehovah’s Witnesses Watch Tower Bible And Tract Society Of Pennsylvania has added to and changed God’s Word
The point of this article is to let unsuspecting Jehovah’s Witnesses know that the Watchtower organization has corrupted the Word of God by adding words to it, words that are clearly… Continue reading
Hallowed Be Thy Name – What Is God’s Name?
Hallowed Be Thy Name – What Is God’s Name?
Anyone who has ever had much contact with a Jehovah’s Witness knows that they are preoccupied with the name used for God, to the point of using the issue as a litmus test for who is in God’s kingdom and who is not. To them, if you call God anything but Jehovah, you are not a true follower of God. Yet, if they bothered to do their own… Continue reading