Gays? or Sodomites?
Gays? or Sodomites?
The question of Gay Rights came into focus when Anita Bryant helped to rally the attention of the Dade County Florida voters who repealed the anti-discrimination ordinance by a 2 to 1 margin. What Anita Bryant and the voters are for is just the Bible way for a happy marriage and a happy home with children to bless it. Many are wondering what the Bible has to say about the so-called Gay; as a few churches… Continue reading
On The Unhealthy Homosexual Lifestyle
On The Unhealthy Homosexual Lifestyle
NOTE: this article discusses some pretty nasty health problems that predominantly affect homosexuals and lesbians. It is not recommended reading for everyone but it does point out the truth about this disgusting and deadly lifestyle.
Medical researchers have known for many years that the “homosexual lifestyle” is a very disease-ridden lifestyle. (The fact that the dominant liberal media are downplaying and/or ignoring and/or censoring the following crucial information should give you a clue… Continue reading
Do Christianity & Survivalism Mix?
Do Christianity & Survivalism Mix?
With all the chaos and crime in our society and all the signs of the collapse of our economy and the decline of our civilization, many people today, including Christians, are very much concerned about the welfare of themselves and their families. And so, in response to the great instability in our world, Christians and non-Christians alike, are advocating survivalism, meaning, preparing for the worst: a total collapse of society. Usually the… Continue reading
Life In The Age Of Non-Reason
Life In The Age Of Non-Reason
The famous theologian and scholar Francis Schaeffer was perhaps more prophetic than he realized when he so succinctly described our emerging society with the phrase “the age of non-reason” back in the 1970s. Day by day, we as a society are drifting further and further away from reason, truth and common sense. In fact, political correctness is really just a synonym for “non-reason” as well as a symptom of it. For example, what… Continue reading
U.S. Christian Camp Loses Tax-Exempt Status
U.S. Christian Camp Loses Tax-Exempt Status over Same-Sex Civil-Union Ceremony
By John Jalsevac
OCEAN GROVE, N.J., September 19, 2007 ( – The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced on Monday that it was stripping the Methodist Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association of its tax-exempt status for part of its property. The Methodist camp made the news earlier this year after it refused, for religious reasons, to allow a lesbian couple to hold a “civil-union” ceremony at a… Continue reading