What The Bibles Says About Capital Punishment
What The Bibles Says About Capital Punishment
The Bible says a LOT about capital punishment:
Here are many (38), but certainly not all the references in the Bible to capital punishment (i.e. the death penalty) as commanded by God. Note that the first few verses from Exodus chapter 21 coincidentally follow the verse “thou shalt not kill” from Exodus chapter 20 verse 13 which many anti-death penalty people often quote to try to justify their belief that the… Continue reading
Abortion – Telling It Like It Is
Abortion – Telling It Like It Is
What kind of brute beasts have we become in this society where we applaud judges who enact laws designed to persecute those whose only crime is that they wish to make it perfectly clear they believe that abortion is murder? Instead of applauding the “supreme” court ruling on the use of the RICO act (a racketeering and organized crime law) against abortion clinic protestors, isn’t it time to admit the truth, that life… Continue reading
The Personal Message Of Christmas
The Personal Message Of Christmas
by Charles Spurgeon
- We have no superstitious regard for times and seasons. Certainly we do not believe in the present ecclesiastical arrangement called Christmas. First, because we do not believe in any mass at all, but abhor it whether it be sung in Latin or in English. Secondly, because we find no Scriptural warrant whatever for observing any day as the birthday of the Saviour; and consequently, it’s observance is a superstition, because not of… Continue reading
Are “Harvest Parties” for Christians?
Are “Harvest Parties” for Christians?
Originally published in the Colorado Christian News, October 1995
(author’s name not published)
“What are you doing for Halloween?” Ask a Christian parent this question, and be prepared to hear an answer like, “Nothing! We don’t celebrate Halloween.” Thunder crashes, and you creep away, embarassed for even asking.
“What are you doing ON Halloween?” Ask the same parent this slightly altered question, and their whole manner and response brightens. “Why,” they begin, as… Continue reading
The Origins Of Various “Christian” Holidays
The Origins Of Various “Christian” Holidays
I have been researching this subject for several years now, especially regarding the Christmas holiday. The more I examine this issue and the more I observe the broad spectrum of people who celebrate these holidays, the more I think that something is not right. Too many people really enjoy these supposedly Christian holidays, people who don’t at all enjoy talking to me about Christ or the Bible. I guess I believed other Christians… Continue reading