Is Faith A Work?
Is Faith A Work?
Is faith some kind of “work” that some one does or can do? Believe it or not – according to the Bible – the answer is yes:
1 Thessalonians 1:3 – “Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father”
2 Thessalonians 1:11 – “Wherefore also we pray always for you, that… Continue reading
A Free-Will Prayer
A Free-Will Prayer
In his sermon “Free Will – A Slave“, the famous Baptist preacher of the 1800s – Charles Spurgeon – showed the error in thinking that spiritually dead sinners can ‘accept’ Christ as their Saviour of their own “free” will. In that sermon, Spurgeon recited a pharisaical prayer in order to illustrate the human pride underlying the idea of any lost, unsaved, ungodly rebellious man exercising his “will” to choose Christ:
“Lord, I thank… Continue reading
Can Our WIll Overpower God’s Will?
Can Our WIll Overpower God’s Will?
When we first look at John 1:12 it sure looks like it is we who choose Christ:
John 1:12 – “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name”
But then, when we look at the next verse, we can no longer draw that conclusion:
John 1:13 – “Which were born, not of… Continue reading
What About The Sin Of Unbelief?
What About The Sin Of Unbelief?
Some people who claim that man has a free will to accept Christ are also saying that the only sin that keeps a person out of heaven is the sin of unbelief. That idea probably comes from this verse:
John 8:24 – “I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not.”
This verse is certainly true in what it says. But, are… Continue reading
Is The Age of Accountability Biblical?
Is The Age of Accountability Biblical?
by Tony Warren
The age of accountability is one of the many misleading terms that are often used in Christian circles. Most would agree that it basically means, “a person who is young enough that he is not yet able to understand fully the results of his actions.” It is theorized by some that these children are not held accountable for the things that they do that are against God’s… Continue reading