Communication In Marriage
Communication In Marriage
In the Bible God has said: “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” [Genesis 2:18]. And so, our heavenly Father must surely desire that a Christ-centered marriage would be a tremendous blessing to both parties involved. A marriage of two believers should reflect the sacrificial love that Christ has for us. But just as we would… Continue reading
A Wife’s Prayer
A Wife’s Prayer
Dear Lord,
Help me to be the kind of wife you want me to be.
Help me not to take my role as wife lightly or take my husband’s love for granted.
Help me to be a good listener, giving my husband my full attention so that I will be well aware of his concerns, aspirations, and needs.
Help me to pay attention to the advice my husband gives me when he… Continue reading
A Husband’s Prayer
A Husband’s Prayer
Dear Lord,
Help me to be the kind of husband you want me to be.
Help me not to take my role as husband lightly or take my wife’s love for granted.
Help me to be a good listener, giving my wife my full attention so that I will be well aware of her concerns, aspirations, and needs.
Help me to pay attention to the advice my wife gives me when she… Continue reading
A Marriage Prayer
A Marriage Prayer
Lord, be in this marriage
In a special way,
May we feel Your presence
Each and every day.
Grant us both good humor
To surpass our coming years;
May there always be much laughter,
May there always be less tears.
Give us strength and courage
To follow in Your will,
To trust You in the valley
As we do upon the hill.
Give us both the eyes of love
So we’ll always see… Continue reading
Prayer For A Bride And Groom
Prayer For A Bride And Groom
By Dr. Louis H. Evans
O God of love, Thou has established marriage for the welfare and happinessof mankind. Thine was the plan, and only with Thee can we work it out with joy.
Bless this husband. Bless him as provider of nourishment and raiment, and sustain him in all the exactions and pressures of his battle for bread. May his strength be her protection, his character be her boast… Continue reading