Predestination And Free-Will – Why Does God Save Some People And Not Others?
Predestination And Free-Will
Why Does God Save Some People And Not Others?
This is a question that can best be answered by another question: “For who hath know the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?” (1 Corinthians 2:16). We do know that whatever God does, it is for His own good pleasure:
Luke 12:32 – “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
Ephesians 1:5 –… Continue reading
Some Church History
Some Church History
If we wish to understand why Christianity is the way it is today and if we wish to avoid making the mistakes others have made in their Christian life, it behooves us to study Church history. The people listed here had a major impact on the church, some for its good and some for its bad. We will stay away from modern day preachers and teachers, leaving that for another study.
Throughout… Continue reading
Rethinking The Lord’s Supper
Rethinking The Lord’s Supper
by Eric Svendsen
Perhaps one of the most misunderstood areas of ecclesiology has to do with the significance of the Lord’s Supper. Since the Reformation, much has been written about the presence of Christ in the so-called “elements,” whether there is a real presence or a symbolic presence. This has been a popular debate among Roman Catholics, Calvinists, Lutherans and Zwinglians to name a few. Unfortunately, because of this preoccupation with the “presence of Christ”… Continue reading
Why So Many Kinds Of Churches?
Why Are There So Many
Different Kinds Of Christian Churches?
There are many reasons why there are so many Christian churches. We will look at several of those reasons here.
I. Things that differentiate true Christian churches:
- Different methods of interpreting the Bible (sola scriptural, historical, etc.) (1Cor 2:13)
- Different interpretations of doctrine (2Pet 1:20)
- Different views on the importance of biblical doctrine versus extra-biblical tradition (2Thes 2:15, 2Thes 3:6)
- Different styles of worship service (1Cor 11:1-2)
- Different… Continue reading
The Only Kind Of New Testament Church
The Only Kind Of New Testament Church
Mentioned In The Bible
What is the only kind of local church mentioned in the New Testament? One with a steeple and a cross on top? No. One with a big sign out front? No. One with lots of pews? No. One with a nice pulpit and sound system? No. One with hundreds or thousands of members? No. One with a robed choir? No. One with a youth pastor and a singles… Continue reading