Generation Z – The Last Generation
Generation Z – The Last Generation
I’ve read a lot about Generation X in the papers in the recent past which is apparently a term used to describe the generation of young people who came after the baby-boomer generation. Well I wish to ‘blow the trumpet’ announcing Generation Z, the last generation before our civilization slips into total anarchy. This is the generation of children coming onto the scene who kill other children without any remorse whatsoever. They think… Continue reading
Eternity Without God?
Eternity Without God?
“And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb” [Revelation 6:15-16]
Those of us who… Continue reading
Does Your Religion Satisfy God?
Maybe your religion satisfies you, but … DOES IT SATISFY GOD ?
Maybe you think you are not religious or that you do not have a religion. But you do. We all do. We all have ideas about our reason for existence and about what happens when we die. Even those who consider themselves to be atheists have a type of religion – secular humanism. There are serious eternal consequences for those… Continue reading
Does it matter what I look at?
Does it matter what I look at?
I realize we live in a world that has desensitized us to sin, but that does not mean we as professing Christians should not strive for holiness. I also realize that many – if not all – people who read this have been very much desensitized to sin in many ways, and do not realize it. Such is the subtlety of sin. Such is also the power of today’s mass… Continue reading
Does God Love You?
Does God Love You?
A Collection Of Important Spiritual Questions
The following collection of spiritual questions are provided to challenge your thinking and to share some important spiritual truths with you, and to dispel many false ideas and myths that you may have heard from others who profess to know spiritual truth and yet are quite ignorant of it. How important is it to you where you and your loved ones spend eternity? Is it worth the… Continue reading