What Are Saints? Are They Dead Super-Holy Catholics?
What Are Saints? Are They Dead Super-Holy Catholics?
Contrary to Catholic Church teaching, the biblical term “saint” does NOT refer to super-holy Catholics who have died and then achieve “sainthood” by passing some rigorous serious of tests and investigations by the Vatican’s saint canonization committee. When the word “saint” is used in the New Testament, it commonly refers to LIVING Christians and not some special group of Catholics who pass the Catholic super do-gooder test. This is made very clear… Continue reading
Why I Am No Longer A Roman Catholic
Why I Am No Longer A Roman Catholic
Even though I was born and raised in the Catholic Church, I am no longer a Roman Catholic for the following reasons:
- Because God truly saved my soul and I am now a true Christian and no longer a Roman Catholic.
- Because I want nothing to do with a religion that is more preoccupied with Mary than with Jesus, even though they claim they are not.
- Because I now know that Catholics… Continue reading
The Resurrection That The Catholic Church Secretly Celebrates
The Resurrection That The Catholic Church Secretly Celebrates
The Resurrection Of Pagan Deities As Catholic Saints
Unknown to Catholics, their entire religious system is modeled after a whole host of pagan gods and goddesses that have been renamed – given the names of Christians.
Here is a sampling of the major pagan deities that are now found in the Catholic Church:
- The god Tammuz has been renamed baby Jesus
- The goddess Semiramis has been renamed the virgin Mary
- The… Continue reading
Sample Evangelistic Cover Letter
Sample Evangelistic Cover Letter
If you or your local church wish to send out gospel tracts to a neighborhood or anywhere for that matter, you may wish to include a cover letter to explain the reason why you are sending the tracts. You can use this letter below as a template for designing your own cover letter.
ABOUT ISSUES THAT AFFECT ALL OF US SOONER OR LATERThe enclosed literature is being provided to… Continue reading
Some Comments On Dave Hunt’s Book On Calvinism
Some Comments On Dave Hunt’s Book On Calvinism
Titled: What Love Is This
I had heard about Dave Hunt’s book “What Love Is This” that he wrote to debunk Calvinism, but I had not read it, and I have been aware of Hunt’s views on (against) Calvinism for a long time. In fact, I was following Hunt’s Berean Call ministry even before I knew what Calvinism was or what Arminianism was. Well, recently someone brought Dave Hunt’s book… Continue reading