Wrong Reasons Why Men Enter The Preaching Ministry
Wrong Reasons Why Men Enter The Preaching Ministry
by Michael Jeshurun
“I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied” – Jeremiah 23:21
Many wrong reasons as to why men enter the Preaching Ministry and one of them (at least in the country where I live) is the UNEMPLOYMENT problem! Contrary to popular opinion, the world in which we live is not irreligious but VERY religious. But they seek to… Continue reading
This Is A Day Of Compromise
This Is A Day Of Compromise
by J.C. Philpot (1802 – 1869)
[quoted from the Gospel Standard Reviews by J.C. Philpot volume 2]
This is a day of compromise.
The compromisers don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings:
The sharp, salient edges of truth are mostly pared away with the nicest care, and rounded off with the greatest assiduity (attention), for fear, we suppose, lest any babe in grace should inadvertently run against them and get a sad… Continue reading
Unconditional Love?
Unconditional Love?
by Greg Elmquist
“God is love” I John 4:8. He defines love. He is the source of all true love. Any ‘love’ that is inconsistent with His love is no love at all. So, where did man get the notion of “unconditional love”? Well, obviously from his perverted view of God. For the God that is, knows nothing of unconditional love. Our God loves Righteousness and hates iniquity, Heb. 1:9. The Lord loves The Righteous, Ps. 147:8. There… Continue reading
Why I Like The Free-Will Gospel So Much
Why I Like The Free-Will Gospel So Much
A Satirical Look At The False Free-Will Gospel
There are many reasons why I, a free-will preacher, am so fond of the free-will gospel. Here are just a few of those reasons:
- Because asking someone to accept Christ makes it easy for me to rack up “converts”.
- Because I don’t need to know any bible verses or do any preaching.
- Because it is seeker-friendly so I am less likely… Continue reading
God Desires That ABSOLUTELY NONE Should Perish?
God Desires That ABSOLUTELY NONE Should Perish?
Is that what is meant in 2Peter 3:9?
“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” [2Peter 3:9]
1) If it was God’s will that absolutely no one at all should perish, then NONE would perish. Period.
Many Christians erroneously interpret 2 Peter 3:9. This verse actually… Continue reading