Prayer Answered
Prayer Answered
I asked for strength that I might achieve; He made me weak that I might obey.
I asked for health that I might do greater things; I was given grace that I might do better things.
I asked for riches that I might be happy; I was given poverty that I might be wise.
I asked for power that I might have the praise of men; I was given weakness that I might feel the… Continue reading
The Foreknowledge Of God By Arthur W Pink
The Foreknowledge Of God By Arthur W. Pink
From His Book: The Attributes Of God
What controversies have been engendered by this subject in the past! But what truth of Holy Scripture is there which has not been made the occasion of theological and ecclesiastical battles? The deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His atoning death, His second advent; the believer’s justification, sanctification, security; the church, its organization, officers, discipline; baptism, the Lord’s supper and a score of other… Continue reading
Do Caterpillars Choose To Become Butterflies?
Do Caterpillars Choose To Become Butterflies?
“A man is not saved against his will, but he is made willing by the operation of the Holy Ghost. A mighty grace which he does not wish to resist enters into the man disarms him, makes a new creature of him, and he is saved.” – Charles H. Spurgeon
I have to say that I agree with Charles Spurgeon based upon my own personal experience in coming to Christ… which I… Continue reading
The CDC Makes Money On Vaccines
The CDC Makes Money On Vaccines
Talk about the foxes guarding the hen house!
Is it any wonder that global regulatory agencies like the CDC push vaccines on people and governments world wide? They make money on vaccines no matter how useless or how dangerous vaccines may be. They and the Pharmaceutical giants they are in bed with have immunity from liability for damages – due to poorly tested vaccines – by creating regulations like “Emergency Use Only” that grant… Continue reading
Joe Tippens Cured Of Cancer With Cheap Anti-Parasitic Drug
Joe Tippens Cured Of Cancer With Cheap Anti-Parasitic Drug
This article includes information about a man named Joe Tippens who was dying of stage 4 lung cancer, which had spread throughout his body. His doctors had tried all their conventional Big Pharma treatments and told Tippens that there was nothing else they could do for him and that he had perhaps 3 months left to live. It was at that time that Tippen’s heard from a friend of his who… Continue reading